World Class Quality

The first edition of World Class Quality—Using Design of Experiments toMake It Happen was published in 1991. In the intervening years, the book has sold more than 100,000 copies, has been translated into four European
languages, and has made the list of best-selling business books in a few cities.
There is no one definitive answer to this question. In general, however, world class quality is considered to be the highest level of quality achievable in any given field or area. This means that world class quality is not simply a matter of meeting minimum standards, but of consistently exceeding expectations in terms of both quality and performance.
This may sound straightforward, but it is multi-faceted and nuanced. It takes the highest level of optimal resource allocation you could imagine, and improves exponentially on that.
Ultimately, world class quality is an experience that, when had, people remember for a lifetime. It is possible only when there is a tireless commitment to excellence and a dedication to continuous improvement. World class quality also demands the use of best practices and the latest technology. The entire workforce must be skilled and of like mind in upholding core company values such as honesty, transparency, and empathy. And perhaps most significantly, it is an operating level only reached when there is leadership in place that is motivated less by profit margins, and more by engineering authentic, connected human experiences.
World Class Quality
Using Design of Experiments to Make It Happen
Keki R. Bhote, Adi K. Bhote
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xiii
Foreword by Bob Galvin xvii
Preface to the Second Edition xix
Acknowledgments xxiii
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