If work is not linked to ethics, then where do we adhere to ethics? Is morality something we adhere to only in mosques? How to be honest if you are not honest in your work? Is it said about you that you are truthful if you are truthful with your family and friends and a liar in your work? Isn’t it said to someone who cheats in selling that he cheats? Shouldn’t it be said that the one who is weighed in measure and scale is one of the Mutaffifin?
And there are those who believe that it is naive to talk about ethics in the field of work and trade, and cites the saying:
Business is Business
As if he wanted to say that trade and work are in the concept of foreigners and have nothing to do with morals and emotions as well. In fact, this is contrary to reality, as foreign universities are interested in teaching a subject related to work ethics and management to students of management, and even in other disciplines such as engineering and medicine. When I studied business administration in the US I took a whole course on ethical and legal issues at work. Even professors who taught subjects such as accounting and statistics touched on ethical issues during lectures. Ethics in management is required in the developed world, and any violation of that is met with great disapproval from the average person
Also, management does not assume that employees have no feelings or that they are not human. Rather, management deals with human nature and their needs. How can you motivate workers if you do not deal with them as human beings with needs and feelings? Do you think that disrespecting workers is something acceptable because it comes within the framework of work? Do you think it is right to ask a worker not to go to the funeral of his closest relative or to prevent him from taking time off to take care of his sick son or wife? If you quote foreigners, they don’t. Didn’t you hear that the British Prime Minister took a long vacation when he had a baby?
Work is work….yes, but what does that mean? This means that you give everyone his right, so do not let your feelings towards someone control your decisions at work. Do not be prejudiced against someone because he does not violate his work regulations in order to satisfy you. Don’t give up your company’s rights to compliment others. Business aims for profit and to make money, but through an ethical framework. Work does not mean that you deceive, betray the trust, take bribes, steal, lie, oppress, utter obscene words, or commit heinous actions.
Sometimes we look at matters in a narrow framework and say: Brother, this is a simple matter and there is no problem with manipulating it. In fact, any small ethical infraction leads to big problems. For example, manipulating a single number in a daily report leads to a change in the average of this number at the level of the day and at the level of the month, and leads to the fact that the monthly and annual reports do not reflect the truth, and even leads to the failure of the analysis and development processes because the numbers have nothing to do with reality. Let’s consider the following examples
Positions related to work ethics and management ethics
You are a manager at work, and a subordinate came to you complaining about his lack of income, so you promised him incentives and rewards if he proved his efficiency at work, while you do not intend to reward him or you know that you cannot reward him.
Morally, you are a liar and deceiver.
Administratively, this person will lose confidence in you and in the management of the organization, and will even convey this impression to others. This will lead to a decrease in the performance of the workers and their unwillingness to make any unusual or compulsory effort
Work reports
You are a manager and he asked you to submit a report to your boss on the progress of work, so you asked your subordinates to prepare the report. But when the report was presented to you, you found that it showed some problems that you did not want to present to your superiors, so you asked your subordinates to make small changes in the numbers and change some facts or present them vaguely.
Morally, you are a liar, a cheat, and a fraud.
Administratively, you have set a bad example for your subordinates. Trust that they will do the same with you. A bad example also extends to fellow managers, who may find that your style makes you appear to their superiors as a great hero and thus begin to imitate you. After a while, the reports become all fraud, lies, and fake facts. It is no secret to you that this leads to the failure of management and, consequently, work
You are a manager – in a company that you do not own – and you announced a job and many candidates applied to you and you tested them and identified qualified candidates and decided to choose them. And when you made your final decision, you remembered that one of the least qualified candidates had come with a recommendation from a relative or friend of yours, so you excluded one of the more qualified candidates and chose this person with the recommendation.
Is this not a betrayal of the trust you have endured? What would you say if you were the owner of the company and knew about it? Wouldn’t you say that the boss who doesn’t work for you is dishonest? The matter does not stop at the frustration of the most qualified person, but extends to other peers who learn of what happened to him and begin to lose faith in the society in which they live.
Even others who are younger feel that there is no point in working hard on learning because it will have nothing to do with their employment. I am not a participant in all of this.
From the administrative point of view, your decision negatively affects the performance of the organization and causes employees to feel that the recommendations will control their promotions and evaluation, which reduces their enthusiasm to provide the best performance.
You are responsible for a service site in an organization, and other workers come to you asking you for work-related services, and you are supposed to meet their requests according to work priorities. If someone you know has a relationship with a senior manager in the organization comes to you, you hasten to implement what he wants, and if another of the obscure employees comes to you, you neglect his requests or postpone them, even if his request is very important to work. In another case, someone comes to you asking you for work that you know a senior manager will hear about, so you care about him a lot, and another comes to you asking you for a much more important job, but you know that he will not reach the knowledge of senior managers, so you neglect his request and postpone it.
Does honesty require that you use work time in the best interest of you, or does honesty require that you take care of what affects work, regardless of your personal interests? What would you say if you owned a small restaurant and found out that the manager of the restaurant
He serves people who may benefit him on a personal level and neglects others who are regular customers of the restaurant. Wouldn’t you say that this is a dishonest person who takes advantage of your restaurant for his own personal interests and you might fire him?
From an administrative point of view, you are wasting the organization’s resources and not using them optimally, and causing works that would have benefited the organization. Even more than that, you make many employees avoid asking you for anything so that they do not taste the bitterness of your lack of interest in their requests, which leads to their failure to provide suggestions that could have improved performance.
Climbing and underestimating subordinates
You are a small manager and you have aspirations to become a great manager, so you start praising your superiors for what they are not, praising their actions and quoting their words, and at the same time putting pressure on your subordinates, assigning them what they cannot bear, and disdaining their words.
From a moral point of view, you are a person who hypocrites his superiors, and you are a manager who does not consider his subordinates
From an administrative point of view, this manager leads to the frustration of subordinates, and in the event that there is an opportunity, many of them will join another job, especially those with competencies. This manager is not sincere in his work, but is sincere in flattering his superiors, and thus leads to a poor level of performance. One of the problems with this manager is that he deceives his superiors, so they think that he is successful. The problem is exacerbated by the transmission of this person’s infection to others, especially those who are younger than him.
You are an employee or manager in a large organization, and your performance of your work depends on the performance of others for their work, and therefore they always ask you to perform work related to the work so that they can perform their work. In order to comfort yourself, you deal with them in an impolite manner, claiming sometimes that you are unable to fulfill their request, and sometimes pretending that you are busy with many works.
Morally, you are an uncooperative person who is disloyal in your work. As long as you are not asked for anything outside the scope of your work, it is your role to perform it in the best way. If you were doing these things in your own business, would you treat them in this way? If the answer is no, then you are not sincere in your work. Your sincerity in your work as an employee should be as loyal to you personally or greater. In your own business, you may be satisfied with the gains you have achieved and save some effort, but as an employee or employee, you have to perform your work in the best way.
From an administrative point of view, this behavior leads to business disruption, and if it is not confronted by the administration, it spreads and becomes a general method of dealing. This results in a lack of a spirit of cooperation, which weakens any serious opportunity for development or analyzing problems, and makes work an arena for conflict. Of course, all of this is reflected in the institution’s performance and results
You are an employee or manager and you have the authority to contract with suppliers, so you stipulate a sum of money from them in return for recommending them. Or a manager, and appointment requests come to you, and you charge one of the candidates an amount of money in exchange for his appointment. Or you are an employee in a service organization that deals with the public, so you charge money from service seekers in return for performing the service
From a moral point of view, this is bribery, influence peddling, and breach of trust
From an administrative point of view, you choose those who are not eligible to choose and harm the reputation of the institution, which makes distinguished suppliers reluctant to deal with it. In the case of dealing with the public, you make the institution fail in its basic function, which is providing good service and observing justice…..and this is clear.
Lying to suppliers
You are an employee or manager in an organization and you deal with suppliers and imagine to them that you will deal with them a lot in the future in order to get low prices from them while you do not intend to deal with them as you claim
Morally, you are a liar and deceiver. Or accept to be the place of this resource? What would you say when you found out you were cheated? Wouldn’t you say to yourself that this employee is disrespectful and a bad person?
Administratively, you make the company lose its credibility in front of suppliers. The developed world is moving towards a long-term relationship with suppliers based on trust, respect and cooperation, and you are still living in a policy of war with suppliers. Make sure that suppliers will report that your organization has deceived them and that they will not be willing to cooperate with it and will prefer to deal with other respected institutions
Lying to customers
The customer comes to you, and you tell him that his request will be fulfilled within days, knowing that you will not be able to fulfill his request until after weeks. Then he calls you a few days later, and you swear to him that the product is in the final stages of manufacturing, while you have not started to manufacture it. Another customer comes to you, and you imagine that the specifications of your product are suitable for his requirements, and you know that they are less than his requirements
Morally, you are a liar and a sales cheat. You may say to me: Brother, this is one of the requirements for promoting the goods, and this is a usual thing. Do you want me to tell him that our goods are not suitable for him or that we cannot fulfill his order within days? So he leaves us and goes to others. I tell you: If this is not fraud in selling, then what is fraud in selling? Is it when the seller deceives you in this way that you are happy and satisfied with his act, or do you say where is the honesty … people are not trusted … morals are gone.
From an administrative point of view, you negatively affect the reputation of your organization, and customers will discover your deception after one time of dealing, and they will tell other customers. In the long run, this affects your sales because customers will look for someone else
You are responsible in a location when gifts come to you from your business clients who have interests with you. These gifts are despicable and precious. The subordinate brings you a home machine as a gift, the supplier brings you an electronic device, and the customer brings you a valuable painting. And you don’t want to return a gift to them, and it’s love
From a moral point of view, these gifts take the form of bribery, because they make you unable to deal fairly with those who gave you
From an administrative point of view, you disturb the balance of justice in the institution and make your dealers not carry out their duties, but rather try to please you with gifts. This is the short way to reach their personal interests.
evaluation (calendar)
You are a manager and it is your responsibility to evaluate subordinates periodically, which results in an increase in their wages. When you evaluate, you rely on your feelings at the moment
To evaluate and do not try to remember what the subordinate has done in terms of mistakes and achievements. Thus, you may give a subordinate a poor evaluation for a small mistake he made immediately before the evaluation, or because he discusses matters and wants to present ideas, and you may give the one who praises you for what you are not worthy of a high evaluation.
From a moral point of view, this is a clear injustice. You are responsible for this evaluation and its impact on subordinates. Evaluation is supposed to be based on work results during the entire evaluation period and based on facts
Administratively, you frustrate loyal people and make them lose enthusiasm because the evaluation is unfair and unserious. On the other hand, you encourage hypocrites and cause them to assume leadership positions. All of this leads to poor performance and loyal employees not feeling that they have a good career in this institution
contempt of subordinates
You are the manager of a group of subordinates, and you deal with them rudely and disrespectfully, and you may use obscene words. Of course you consider this as part of the motivation of the workers
Morally, you have no right to disrespect subordinates and no right to insult them. Would you accept that your motivation method is for your boss to hit you on the back of your head whenever you make a mistake? You are no better than them
From an administrative point of view, you cause the workers to fear and try to silence you by any means, regardless of the good work. When someone makes a mistake, and a problem occurs, no one will believe you in what happened, and thus wastes time searching for the reason that is already known to the subordinates.
As you can see, moral imbalance leads to administrative imbalance. In the end, we work to live, and it is important that you do not stand in front of the mirror after your age and then say, “I wish I could see in the mirror someone I respect.”