Total Employee Involvement and 5s activities
Improving the workplace and the collective participation of workers

The material and moral improvement of the work site is a basic necessity before any work of study, analysis and development, and all members of the institution and in all its locations participate in the performance of this work.
Five Japanese words that each start a business activity into:
Improving the image of the workplace and increasing its efficiency.
Reducing waste in all its forms.
This subject explained that the improvement of the work site is the first step before the application of continuous improvement, comprehensive or comprehensive service, or the reduction of waste, and the lack of interest in improving the work site leads to:
Loss increase.
Low productivity.
Increased product yield.
Frequent accidents and injuries.
High cost.
Delayed delivery.
Low morale.
It was expected that what would happen between and through his show would lead to his show.
And the work sites together constitute the land and the industrial joint, so the common equity of the work site achieves gains for the workers and the establishment together.
He has a hard time sneaking up on a lot of people who have a hard time helping sneak up on him. The lamps also led to equipment problems that reduce its efficiency, and all problems together cause the worker’s morale and reduce his creativity.
Also good body works good games for the slow parts of gravity and good clean up and cool and cool and cool and the cool and the cool and the cool of the activity
Reasons to improve, improve quality, improve quality, national institutions, companies and institutions to improve employment opportunities.
Minutes of organization and maintenance save time and effort in resolving problems.
Setting goals
Reducing the time and effort wasted searching for things.
Reducing time and effort wasted eating.
Perfect usage.
Reducing the number of accidents and serious injuries to zero.
Reducing the number of mechanical failures and improving the operating rate.
Reduce quality defects.
Increased level of security.
Developing monitoring mechanisms within the work site.
workers through their participation in improvement work.
Identify job site problems.
Determine the problems of the work site by studying the site, and the site can be photographed from specific and different angles, focusing on the existing problems and the appropriate study of these images, and using them in following up on the progress of improvement work, and it is possible to simply discover:
A mess and an accumulation of things that have nothing to do with the title.
Places not well cleaned and dirty.
Places that are not easy to clean at present.
The places seem unsafe due to the absence of clips and visual elements.
The places of the machines are surrounded by feathers, waste, etc.
The activities that carry out a significant activity in the activity are considered by the commercial activity, the phenomenon of the activity and the phenomenon of the commercial activity
The first step: Serie, which means organization (classification and filtering).
What is meant by it is to separate the things that are needed for entry:
Disposing of unwanted items (as waste or for return).
keep things.
Important things there is a lot of need need need need in need.
Unnecessary things are disposed of directly, and if it is found that a return can be obtained from them, the best ways to achieve the highest return are studied, and if disposal requires spending, the required cost reduction is studied.
This step deals with some of the causes of dirt and grime, such as:
Check lids for leakage and leakage.
Disposing of oil containers.
The second step: Seiton, which means arrangement and coordination.
It means storing the required items in an organized and easy manner, by means of:
When certain schedules are started, the timer will start to run at the same time.
Set up easy-to-read and understand directional signs in a clear place to know where everything is.
Arranging objects and tools, arranging them in their function.
The third step is Seiso, which means cleaning
It means removing waste, feathers, or any remnants from the work site, by:
Permanent observation
Maintain a constant level of the work site.
Clean places that others may not see.
This activity is the responsibility of everyone in the wonderful site which is a kind of examination.
The fourth step, Seiketsu, means profiling:
This step to the cleaning process to the normal operation pattern by looking at the situation after the operation and thinking about the situation that prevents the return of the site to what it was before, assuming that there is a gap between the current situation and the ideal situation.
If the worker believes that the current situation is an ideal situation, he will not seek improvement of any kind, and then he begins to go backwards without realizing it.
Warning signs for dangerous areas.
alarm bells.
Signs to guide individuals to avoid operating hazards.
Use consensus signatures for some of the information you want to monitor.
Markings for thermal zones and voltage zones.
Special colors for tubes according to their types.
running walk
The fifth step, Shitsuke, means discipline:
It is intended to transform these activities into an organization and train its employees. Activity:
Helping workers to carry out the required work correctly (preparing routine procedures)
Create exercises and applications that help carry out the activities and make sure they are understood.
Roles are arranged so that each individual is responsible for specific actions.
Continuing communication between management and employees to standardize positive results.
Examples of worksite improvement activities
The work sites differ from each other in terms of the area of the site, the nature of the activity, and the size of the activity, and therefore the expected period for completing the improvement work differs.
When choosing a work site for improvement, the project must be well planned, what must be done – how it will be done – what is the appropriate time – who will do it – what is the expected duration of implementation, and other elements that must be determined before starting implementation.
The activities of the comparative measurement of the best performance play a positive role in improving work sites through headquarters
Link the target site with other similar good sites inside or outside the facility and transfer and apply the appropriate ideas for improvement and safety.
The photographic image of the work site can be used from a fixed point each period and the change comparison to evaluate the rate of progress in the improvement work.
Site improvement work can be carried out by setting a specific goal as the following examples
Cleaning and organizing
After clearing things out some other things, it looks simple, but the important thing is to make a modification in the site to optimize the space and tools.
The doors of the rooms designated for some places designated for some places designated for some places designated for some time.
On the other hand, there was no single decision.
Organization and the habit of cleaning
Continuously the cleaning work yields void places that can be worked with and causes facilitating the continuation of the cleaning work.
Natural resources is the shape of the site resulting from the chaos of the connection cables that impedes movement and causes a narrow external link for work and cleanliness is difficult.
The cleaning process can be located elsewhere, closer to cables and pipes, making it possible to repeat the study of the access site for the most effective and safest way.
He enjoys rescuing a well-wisher, implying that he is a good-natured one.
Security and optimization
Sometimes the nature of the place impedes cleaning work (under a workbench or under a rack), which may necessitate replacing the rack, for example, with a shelf fixed in the workplace, or covering the lower part of the table with a cover that can be removed, which prevents the entry of feathers and waste under the table, and so on.
Sometimes the overhead cranes are surrounded by dust and dirt, and their cables are in a bad condition that threatens risks. In this case, comprehensive production maintenance activities (TPM) can be employed, where the collective participation of a work team, due to the nature of the problem, where the electricity cables can be combined together and inside a cover, and after cleaning work, these can be repainted Stomach to look aesthetically better.
Unnecessary cables and pipes must be disposed of at the work site to make movement easier, to reduce the risk of injuries and accidents, and to increase safety.
The necessary lengths of the pipes must be within the limits of necessity by cutting off the extra lengths or re-planning the site (the associated equipment convergence, if possible) to make the site better.
By re-planning, getting rid of any unnecessary equipment, and repainting the site, the picture will change completely, but in large sites, this may take more than a year.
If there is a failure to reach positive results, the situation must be re-examined by a specialized team and an appropriate plan for implementation must be developed, especially in work sites with a large area and huge activity.
Checklists and calendar maps
To facilitate the periodic review and examination of this activity, the establishments prepare checklists or calendar maps so that they are designed for each site separately in a way that facilitates the periodic examination work and so that it includes all the necessary elements for review and examination at the target site.
Examination and review personnel are selected from outside the examination site.
Example of a job site improvement check and review map
Trails and places to walk.
It is marked in yellow.
Are these lines still visible?
Are the passages clean all the time from residues, oils and feathers?
Are there any wheelbarrows, materials or products.
Technical equipment and facilities.
Are the individuals responsible for operating their names clearly declared?
Are safety covers used appropriately?
Are the indication lamps for security systems clear and clean?
Are the individuals responsible for operating their names clearly declared?
Are the cranes placed in their designated places when not in operation?
Are the ignition keys removed when not in operation?
are laid out in an orderly manner.
Is it clean.
Is it laid out in an organized manner?
Was what was examined separated from the rest of the product?
Are they clearly indicated according to their type and rank?
Tools .
Have the tools been placed in their designated places?
Waste .
Are waste bins placed in their places?
Are there tools and tools on the ground?
defective goods.
Are they placed in designated places or boxes?
Are there any undamaged items among them?
Are their boxes marked in yellow?
Hand carts.
Put it in its designated places.
Billboards .
Is it in the places designated for it.
Are the expired ads still present?
Location (lighting and security).
Are fluorescent light bulbs working in good condition?
Are fire extinguishers in place, valid and easy to access?
outside the factory.
Is there ashes, dust or waste on the ground?
Are waste collection sites and others clearly defined?
Are the areas around the site clean?
These lists are designed according to the nature and needs of each site, and evaluation takes place once a week in normal circumstances.