Safety management systems and environmental protection

An HSE Management System makes it easy to build and harmonize structured processes for continuous improvement in doing business, maintaining the health and safety of employees and the community, and protecting the environment in which they work.
Objectives of safety and environmental management systems
Safety and environmental protection management systems aim to provide, for example but not limited to:
Establish clear HSE goals, expectations, roles and responsibilities
Reduce cost and improve efficiency
Improved measurement and feedback mechanisms
Improving participation and mobilizing the workforce
Improve teamwork in relation to health, safety and environment activities
Improving working conditions and preserving the safety of workers, property and the environment.
Safety management systems and environmental protection
Safety and environmental protection management systems are based on five basic elements:
A declared policy of the company or institution towards occupational safety and health and environmental protection.
Organization to determine responsibilities and training to perform them.
Planning and setting standards for performance.
Performance Measurement.
Review, correction and continuous development.
Policy of commitment to the principles of health, safety and the environment
HSE Policy
It is a written document approved by the head of the institution, in which he clarifies the institution’s commitment to the principles of occupational health and safety and the preservation of the work environment and the neighborhood. Among its most important elements are, for example, but not limited to:
Ensure the safety of individuals, including residents of areas adjacent to industrial activity, and protect the environment
Optimally developing and utilizing energy resources to provide production and services.
The Department of Health, Safety and the Environment shall make vigorous efforts similar to those made in other important activities
Playing a leading role in promoting the use of the best applications in our industrial fields
Create the right climate to encourage workers to adhere to these standards.
Consider accuracy in reporting data on the company’s performance in the areas of health, safety and the environment.
Full compliance with the laws and regulations of the government, as well as the standards agreed upon locally and internationally.
Carrying out its activities in a way that reduces health, safety and environmental risks to (the lowest possible degree from a scientific point of view)
Continuous improvement of health, safety and environment performance.
Measuring, evaluating and reporting on the accuracy of performance. Holding those responsible in the work sectors accountable for the performance and efficiency of health, safety and the environment.
Rewarding all employees based on the performance and efficiency of the Health, Safety and Environment Department.
Ensure that employees do not practice any work that threatens health, safety and the environment
Ensure that contractors comply with health, safety and environment policies and regulations.
There are four basic elements to develop the appropriate organization to achieve the company’s goals towards safety and environmental protection:
Selection of appropriate personnel and training to perform tasks and the use of external expertise.
Determine responsibilities and ensure participation and commitment in order to achieve the goal.
Create a climate to achieve effective cooperation between individuals, groups and various departments to achieve the goal.
Ease of oral and written communication between individuals, departments, sectors and company management.
Planning and setting standards
The drawn up plan must include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
Full application of local laws and regulations.
Developing programs to identify and assign work risks and setting up systems to address them
Develop long-term goals and plans to improve safety and protect the environment.
Develop plans to deal with expected emergencies.
Develop plans to achieve mutual cooperation with neighboring companies and government agencies.
Planning and setting standards
Defining job tasks and safe performance methods for them.
Determining the requirements for the conformity of the used equipment and supplies to the conditions of safety and environmental protection, as well as the method of safe storage, transportation and handling.
Develop mechanisms to maintain the work atmosphere and methods of measurement and recording.
Establishing a system for the safe disposal of work waste.
Develop a training plan for all levels of technical and administrative work to improve performance.
Performance Measurement
Measure your performance
The extent to which the safety and environmental protection system is in place must be known to achieve its desired objectives, as well as the extent to which it is implemented
There are two main components of performance monitoring:
1- Active Monitoring
(before the adverse event occurs).That is, to ensure that the performance standards set are effective and applied in a satisfactory manner.
2- Reactive Monitoring
(The longer the adverse event occurs).
Investigate all accidents that occurred and that may have occurred, develop corrective programs and monitor implementation.