Safety Inspections: Discovering violations of occupational safety

The participation of the relevant officials in all departments at the level of middle management – and the direct heads in the inspection of the work sites to ensure the availability of safe conditions – as well as the availability of the requirements for occupational safety and health, fire prevention – and environmental protection – which fall within their job responsibilities and duties – and take the necessary and immediate measures to correct these Errors or defects – or violations – in order to prevent any risks that may arise from them in their places of competence.
Putting a clear picture in front of the senior management about working conditions – and the availability of the required requirements in the workplaces – facilities and equipment in accordance with the well-known international standards – and the systems, laws and regulations issued by the state in this regard and taking the necessary measures in the event of any shortcoming or failure to implement these requirements – and removing the causes Obstacles, if any.
inspection systems
Who is responsible for developing inspection forms for each site?
inspection systems
1- The Department of Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection in the company shall develop inspection forms for each site – or activity – or building in coordination with those responsible for the activity in each site.
2- An inspection system shall be established for all departments
3- After reviewing and approving this system, this system shall be distributed to all departments along with the inspection forms that are consistent with the conditions and activity of each site, the nature of equipment and installations, and the nature of work therein.
Elements of internal inspection systems
The system must include the following basic elements:
1- Inspection forms for each department, site, activity, or building
2- Formation of a committee in each department / or sector of at least two individuals at the level of heads of departments, one of whom is from outside the organization of the place to carry out inspection work with a representative from the general administration / safety, occupational health and environmental protection sector.
3- Determine the inspection dates according to a timetable so that they are every three months at most.
elements of inspection systems
4- Inspection reports shall be submitted to the departments upon preparation
5- Records of these inspection reports are made – for each department / sector in which these reports are kept – for each department – and for the Department of Safety and Environmental Protection for reference when necessary – especially when conducting the next inspection for each inspection cycle.
6- A comprehensive report shall be submitted at the end of each year from the General Administration / Occupational Safety and Health Sector at the end of the last inspection session, showing the extent of progress in the conditions and conditions of safety and fire prevention in each general administration / or sector, which shows the levels of performance in these departments.
Who is competent to submit inspection reports once they are prepared to the departments?
The original is sent to the concerned director of the department – to review and follow up on the implementation of the recommendations on the ground – and to prepare a report on the position of all the recommendations – and the violations mentioned in the report before the middle of the third month of each inspection period. It is sent to the General Administration / Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Sector.
These reports are discussed by the Occupational Safety and Health Committee as a main item on the agenda.
Who is competent to submit inspection reports once they are prepared to the departments?
– A copy to the General Administration / Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Protection Sector for follow-up – Presentation to the senior management – and the Safety Committee at the end of each specified period for inspection (quarterly) – After receiving the report of the competent department manager on the situation regarding recommendations or violations – and on-site inspection to ensure that implementation of the requirement or not.
A copy to the sector manager / or the concerned general manager for information, follow-up and necessary action.
First: Public Administration / Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Sector
Public Administration / Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Sector
The General Administration / Occupational Safety and Health Sector prepares lists for the areas and classifies them according to the activity of each area and the equipment and materials used in it.
Conducting a field survey of these areas to determine the basic elements of inspection that must be included in the inspection lists for each area or activity – and preparing inspection forms accordingly.
A comprehensive program for inspection shall be drawn up for all regions, in which responsibilities shall be determined within the framework of a comprehensive annual plan.
Public Administration / Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Sector
4- This program includes a system for preparing and reviewing reports.
5- This program also includes how to follow-up on the processes of correcting the conditions and conditions and implementing the recommendations – and analyzing the inspection reports and submitting these reports to the higher management.
Second: Responsibilities of department managers
Responsibilities of department managers
Formation of inspection teams in each department or department – or its affiliated region – with a representative of the Safety Department.
Determine the inspection dates for each inspection cycle (every three months) according to the inspection program set in coordination with the General Administration / Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Sector.
Responsibilities of department managers
3- Review the inspection reports on a regular basis – follow up on the implementation of the recommendations contained therein, complete the special part of the report and sign it – and return it to the General Administration / Occupational Safety and Health Sector – while keeping a copy of it in the records of these reports.
Third: Responsibilities of department heads and supervisors
Responsibilities of department heads and supervisors
Periodic passing through their areas – and reviewing the items contained in the inspection forms to ensure that there are no errors or deficiencies – or unsafe conditions and taking the necessary measures to correct the conditions and conditions
Reviewing the recommendations and observations contained in the inspection reports and setting a timetable for rectifying these conditions – and implementing the required recommendations.
The heads of departments and supervisors are directly responsible for correcting the conditions, conditions and recommendations contained in the inspection reports.
Types of safety inspection forms
Safety inspection forms vary according to the type of activity – or the location – and the equipment and facilities and the nature of the work at each site – and all or some of them may share some of the inspection items.
Among the types of these models are the following:
c Safety inspection
1. Aisles & Passageways
Trails are clearly marked.
Free of obstructions and debris.
Its width is not less than (70 cm). The width is sufficient for normal movement on it.
2. Roads
The pavement is good, without bumps.
Clean and free of debris or obstructions.
There are guiding and traffic signs on it.
Intersections are clear and have warning signs.
Speed limit signs on main roads.
The lighting is sufficient and appropriate.
q3. Offices
Furniture is unobstructed and not stacked.
Trails are good and free of obstructions and materials.
The hallways are well lit.
There are emergency signs.
Good emergency exits.
Fire extinguishers are in good condition and clearly visible.
The workers are familiar with the emergency and the use of extinguishers.
Store papers and files well.
No flammable materials.
There are no overloads on the power plug.
The main electrical switchboards are in a clear and appropriate place.
Safety inspection forms
The escape exits are sufficient.
Stairs are good and no damage.
Building cleanliness – daily removal of waste.
The cafeteria is good, clean and tidy.
First aid boxes are in good condition.
The restrooms are in good condition and clean.
Early warning devices for fire are checked periodically.
An emergency and evacuation plan for the building is pending.
All electrical connections are in good condition and free of defects.
Signboards and safety instructions are posted.
4. Floors-General
Clean and free of debris and obstructions.
Good, non-slippery and free of slip or trip hazards.
It has no protruding or sharp parts.
The openings are surrounded by barriers to prevent falls.
Surface drainage system is good.
Drainage holes are covered with suitable grates or covers.
Cable trunks are covered, free from liquids, and clean.
Line trenches are covered – clean and free of debris.
5. Exits-General
enough for a quick escape.
There are no locks on it that impede the speed of exit or escape.
Exit directions are signposted.
The floor of the exits is equal to the floor from the outside at the exit.
The width of the exits shall not be less than (70 cm) according to the number of persons.
There are no obstacles in front of the exits or on the way to them.
All exits open to the outside.
Exit doors are marked with (Exit).
6. Emergency lighting and exit signs
(Emergency Lighting & Exit Signs)
Emergency lighting is checked weekly on a fixed schedule.
Check lit exit signs every month.
Conducting an annual survey of these signs and emergency lighting means, or in case of any change in them or their locations.
Maintenance of this equipment has priority and without delay.
7. Fire Extinguishers
There are types suitable for the type of fire and suitable for work.
The number is sufficient to cover the area or site.
Extinguishers are distinguished by their colors and types.
Extinguishers are placed or hung in the appropriate place.
Their whereabouts are distinct and clear.
There are periodic disclosure cards on it.
It has an immobilizer (Seals).
Periodic testing is carried out on it as it is installed.
8. Fire Blankets
There are fire blankets hanging at the strategic site.
They are checked regularly for any damage or tear.
Placed in a protective cover in open areas
9. Fire hydrants and water cannons
(Hydrants & Monitors)
The fire hydrants are marked, numbered, and in good condition.
Plugs and hose connections are in good condition.
It has no purulence or water leakage and the maintenance is good.
The distribution of faucets and water guns is appropriate.
Sites are inspected annually.
The guns are in suitable positions
Safety inspection forms
10. Fire detection and early warning systems
(Detection & Alarm Systems)
They are checked and tested every month.
Detector Heads are suitable for the required purpose.
Alarm panels are checked daily to detect faults.
There are panels showing the distribution of these systems and their locations.
11. Fixed water extinguishing systems
(Fire Sprinkler/ Deluge Systems)
The systems are in good working condition.
Main operating bluffs are clearly marked and marked.
Shower head discharge rates are proportional to the type of hazard.
The automatic operating system is checked every six months.
Shower drains are checked every six months.
There is a record of maintenance and inspection of the systems.
There are enough spare shower heads.
12. Stairs
Available where there is no difference between levels of floors.
Its width shall not be less than 22 inches (55 cm).
The degrees are regular – and the rise between one degree and another is regular.
The rungs and their edges are non-slip.
There are walkers of every suitable distance in the case of large lengths.
Barriers on both sides in the case of open staircases.
There is a railing (balustrade) on at least one side in closed staircases.
The angle of inclination of the stairs is between (30° to 50°).
The vertical distance between the stairs (Clearance) is not less than 7 feet.
13. Vertical Ladders
It has a distinctive color to make it easier to see and escape in an emergency.
To be equipped with an iron cage that prevents individuals from falling backwards.
The height of the end of the two sides of the ladder at each walk shall not be less than 90 cm – the distance between the steps is regular (12 inches).
The steps are intact with a dent.
There are walkers at every height (every 20 feet).
Stairs are fixed to the floors and there are no obstructions around them.
Stairs away from hot lines and equipment.
14. Portable Ladders
All steps of the ladder are intact and there are no defects.
Steps are not covered with varnish or paint.
Grades are free of oils or grease.
Installed well when used at the required angle of inclination.
It has non-slip feet at the lower ends.
Its upper end is tied when working.
No more than one person on the ladder during use.
Damaged ladders are excluded after being marked.
In electrical work, do not use metal ladders.
There is a record of periodic inspection of stairs by maintenance
15. Hand Tools
Its general condition is good
And free from defects.
Connection cables or air hoses are good and free of defects.
Placed in a suitable place during work.
Electric tools are grounded – or double insulated.
Portable Grinding Stones – Portable power saws are equipped with switches that operate only when pressed and stop when a finger is lifted (Deadnation Switch)
The electrical number is checked periodically for any faults in the circuits.
Manual tools are checked and damaged ones are excluded.
A distinctive mark with a distinctive color is placed after checking the circle parts with protective barriers.
normal manual number
Their knocked-on heads are intact, not mushroom-shaped.
The hands are intact and free of damage or cracks.
The hammer heads are well installed.
The number is suitable for work and no substitutes are used for it.
The number has places to store and arrange when not in use.
16. Indicative and warning safety signs (Signs):
Indicative and warning safety signs and safety instructions are used, distributed and installed in the appropriate locations and places.
The do not operate warning label system is used.
17. Labeling:
There are labels and labels on the containers to identify the contents, and they have warning signs of the type of danger according to the known standard systems.
Individuals involved in the circulation of these materials are familiar with these signs and their connotations.
18. Drainage System
There is a proper surface drainage system
(Surface drain)
Floor slopes suitable for drainage of water or liquids.
Drainage holes are covered with matching mesh covers.
Where there are fumes – the lids are tight.
There is no overflow or blockage of the sewage.
Exposed surface drainage trenches are clean and free of debris.
There are fire barriers on these trenches.
Inspection chambers for petroleum sewage have barriers and flame reflux.
Oil sewers are separate from sanitary sewers.
Polluted water is not discharged outside before it is treated.
The sewage system is sufficient to absorb fire water and rain.
19. General Housekeeping
The standard of cleanliness is good and there is no residue – or rubbish.
There are receptacles for collecting rubbish in appropriate places.
These vessels are lifted and emptied in a regular manner.
Rags contaminated with oil have special metal receptacles.
No herbs, wood or flammable materials.
20. Storage and stacking of materials
(Storage & Stacking)
There are passages between the stacks and the aisles are free from obstructions.
The height of the stacks is within the permissible limits.
Stacks are stable and secured from slipping or collapsing.
The storage area is clean and free of any foreign matter.
Store materials according to instructions and safety rules.
The material has signs indicating its quality.
Cylindrical shapes such as pipes are insured against rolling
21. Showers and eye wash basins
(Showers & Eye Baths)
Emergency showers are easily accessible and unobstructed.
Showers are tested and maintained at regular intervals.
Showers and tubs are equipped with a quick opening system.
There are signs indicating it for emergency use.
22. Ventilation
Adequate ventilation is provided.
Exit holes for ventilation systems do not pollute other areas.
Air velocity is measured at appropriate intervals.
Ventilation systems are subject to regular inspection, maintenance and cleanliness.
24. Materials Handling
The vessels containing it are intact and there is no damage.
Material loading pallets of appropriate type.
Suitable lifting equipment is used to load materials.
The materials have the distinctive signs indicating them and their dangers.
Protective equipment is available to protect personnel.
There are emergency showers in case of chemicals.
There are signs warning of hazardous substances.
Emergency and leakage equipment capabilities exist.
25. Compressed gas cylinders
(Compressed Gas Cylinder)
Store in an upright position and secured against falling.
Each species is in a separate group from all the others.
Plouffe covers are in place and tied by hand.
Cylinders are protected from rust and corrosion.
Storage place away from sources of heat or fire.
All orientation control systems are in good working order.
Wires and load cables are in good condition.
The lifting hook has no damage and has a lock to prevent loads from falling.
Are they tested and inspected by an accredited third party every once in a while.
He found appropriate and proper warning lights on it.
Is there a daily check system from the operator in a special register?
Are there records of periodic examinations and tests?
It is checked for any damage.
It has distinct markings for the contents of each type.
The empty is stored away from the full with signs showing this.
It is pressure tested according to international regulations
26. Lifting Equipment
Its general condition – cleanliness – arrangement and periodic service.
The lifting capacity is shown on it – and its last test.
Operating levers are intact and clearly marked.
There is a protective reservation on the driver’s cab.
All orientation control systems are in good working order.
Wires and load cables are in good condition.
The lifting hook has no damage and has a lock to prevent loads from falling.
Are they tested and inspected by an accredited third party every once in a while.
It has proper and proper warning lights.
Is there a daily check system from the operator in a special register?
Are there records of periodic examinations and tests?
27. Machinery and protective barriers
(Machines & Guarding)
Its general condition – cleanliness – arrangement and maintenance.
Transmission parts have a protective guard.
Places of confinement of hands and fingers have protective barriers.
The protective barriers are in place.
The movement barriers are in working condition and not inoperative.
Emergency stop buttons are clearly visible and within easy reach of the operator.
The operating keys can be closed and the operating keys can be lifted when the machines are not operating.
In case of maintenance, it can be safely closed and isolated.
Are there barriers for flying feathers?
Is there a wire brush to clean the feathers?
Is there sufficient lighting for the machine?
The operation and maintenance manual is available to those working on it.
Are there operating instructions for it pending?
28. moving equipment
(Mobile Equipment)
It has protective barriers for the driver in the event of a rollover.
Only designated persons are allowed to drive it with an official permit.
It has warning lights.
It has an audible warning device in case of reversing.
Are they checked daily by the operator before starting work?
Is there a maintenance record and periodic inspection?
29. Scaffoldings
The width of the scaffolding board for standing personnel is not less than 24 inches.
The scaffolding plank shall have a flat of at least 4 inches.
The scaffold shall be equipped with ladders suitable for the ascent and descent of personnel.
The scaffold shall be provided with a 42-inch drop barrier.
The ground shall be solid for scaffolding.
Permissible loads above scaffolds shall be specified and indicated on a plate at the bottom of the scaffold.
Hand tools are not allowed to be thrown over scaffolding.
When erecting the scaffold, the Maintenance and Safety Department inspects it before allowing work on it.
There are reinforcing beams between the scaffold heights.
The scaffolding is fixed to the equipment in a way that prevents it from falling.
It is not allowed to work under scaffolding unless there is a net under the scaffold to prevent equipment from falling.
30. Hydraulic Systems:
They have pressure regulators within the specified strength.
General condition – no leaks or damage to hydraulic fluid lines.
The pressure fluid lines are marked with special colours.
It is regularly checked and maintained according to the operating manual.
31. Electricity sources and substations
(Power Sources & Sub-Stations)
High pressure areas and control panels are closed to prevent entry by unauthorized personnel.
There are warning signs on it (electricity – high pressure).
The control panels have what defines their function written on them.
All cables, connections and current-conducting parts are not exposed inside a tight cover.
The ground connection check is performed periodically.
There is a record of operation and maintenance of the stations.
The place is clean from the inside and free of dust or waste.
There are fire detection and early warning devices.
There are appropriate fire extinguishers in good working condition.
Automatic fire extinguishing systems are good and suitable.
All substations are equipped with a locking system for isolation and warning labels for non-operation or connection.
All substations and battery rooms have warning signs.
The battery room has a good ventilation system.
There is no material storage inside the stations.
Metal stairs are not allowed inside the stations.
There is a work permit system for electrical isolation.
Cable trenches are covered and isolated from the outside to prevent the entry of flammable gases or vapors.
All entrances to cables and equipment are protected from entry by rodents.
It is not allowed to eat food at the stations and to throw waste inside or near them to prevent the presence of rodents and animals.
32. Emergency Generators
Generators are in good working condition.
They run for short periods on a fixed schedule.
There is a record of playback periods and their notes.
The generator fuel tank is measured and recorded daily.
The fuel tank is not less than 4 hours of operation.
Any water collected in the fuel tank is filtered every month.
Battery charging areas should be well ventilated. Batteries that are used as a backup power source in emergency situations are checked weekly.
The strength of the solution in liquid batteries is measured weekly.
It is not allowed to store any materials in the places of generators or places of batteries.
The lighting is adequate and appropriate to the site.
Maintenance and repair work is immediate and priority.
There are warning signs at the entrances to prevent entry of unauthorized individuals.
Fire detection and early warning systems.
The floors are clean and free from any contamination.
The floor of the battery areas is clear of battery electronics solutions and any spills are washed immediately.
Explosion-proof lighting in the possibility of charging batteries.
33. Using the Lock out System
There is a system to lock the sources of electricity and electrical equipment.
Multiple locks system for more than one responsible person.
There is a system of warning labels not to operate or not to connect.
34- Tanks for petroleum products
(Oil Storage Tanks)
Fire walls are intact and free of openings.
Filter Plough The tank area surrounded by the fire wall is closed – and opened only when necessary.
There are no irregularities or flammable materials inside the fire wall.
Tank ceilings are clean and free of oily rags.
All connections and lines have no leaks.
Fire and cooling lines are in good condition.
Extinguishing systems are checked periodically.
The surface of the tanks is inspected for any corrosion periodically.
The ground conductivity is measured periodically.
35- Chemical laboratories
Are there no smoking signs?
Is there a lettering system for the building for petroleum materials separated from the sanitary sewers?
Are the samples kept in a special place?
Safety conditions are met.
Is the sample washing room well ventilated and lit against explosion?
Is personal protective equipment available for individuals?
Compressed gas cylinders are outside the building and not inside.
Are there special ways to get rid of other dangerous or toxic chemical wastes?
Are the fumigation systems working well?
36- Waste Disposal
Is there a system for disposing of all kinds of waste by the Environmental Protection Department?
Are special containers available for each type of waste?
Are materials available to absorb leakages in cases in the chemical and treatment areas?
Are there special ways to deal with emergency leaks of all kinds of used chemicals?
Is there a system for lifting and removing rubbish from different work sites and disposing of it?
What are the environmental protection systems applied in the disposal of waste and the types of this waste in each site