The word “empowerment” means the language of strengthening or strengthening, and the word “empowerment” is mentioned in the Great Qur’an by the Almighty’s saying: “Allah promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession in the earth as He appointed those of Nay, and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will surely replace them, after their fear, with security. They worship Me, not associating partners with Him. Anything and who disbelieves after that, they are the transgressors.” An-Nur: 55
Empowerment in the science of management means supporting the infrastructure in the organization, by providing technical resources, enhancing independence and self-responsibility, focusing on workers, giving them strength, information, rewards and knowledge, protecting them in cases of emergency and unexpected behavior during consumer service, and focusing on workers who deal with and interact with the consumer.
Empowerment is defined as the voluntary transfer of business ownership or cases and conditions to a group or individuals who have the ability to deal with the appropriate situation in a possible environment, and who possess authority, responsibility, skill, ability and understanding of work requirements, motivation, commitment, confidence, and honest management in an environment that does not prevent appropriate work and sufficient availability for them to launch their creativity and energies.
Empowerment can also be through the process of selection and training required to provide workers with the necessary skills and culture to promote the right to self-determination, cooperation and coordination rather than competition, and in service quality organizations it can be absorbed procedurally by encouraging workers to respond to problems related to quality and providing them with resources and delegating powers to them.
First: polarization
The process of attracting qualified human resources and competencies to engage in the job and continue in it comes after the human resource planning process. her exams.
Second: choice
After the recruitment is completed in the fullest way, the organization is supposed to apply to a sufficient number of qualified people from whom we can choose who will actually fill the vacant position, and the selection takes place according to what is called the principle of merit.
The meritocracy is based on two main facts:
The job is fixed and the employee changes, and therefore we must start analyzing the jobs and determining the specifications and qualifications of those who occupy them.
That a large number of individuals apply who meet the initial conditions, and a competition or selection is held between them, and the selection is based on the results only [without interference for personal considerations] and thus the best one is chosen to fill the job.
Third: appointment
The Personnel Affairs Department implements most of the testing steps, and department managers participate in the testing process. As for the appointment authority, it usually lies in a central authority. As for appointment to senior leadership positions, the board of directors has the authority to appoint them.
Fourth: personal interviews
Some personnel departments may rely on personal interviews when selecting or hiring employees in addition to the usual tests.
The foundations of human resource management (people management) in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet:
First: The story of Moses, peace be upon him, with the two shepherds:
The Almighty said: “One of them said, ‘Father, hire him. Indeed, the best of whom you hire is the strong and trustworthy.’” Al Qasas / 26
One of them said, “Which is the major or minor missionary,” “Oh, father, hire him.” Take him as a servant to take care of our sheep instead of us. It says: The best person you hire to graze is strong to protect your livestock and take care of them in their reform and righteousness, the trustworthy person whom you do not fear to betray, in what you entrust him with. And it was said: When she said that to her father, her father denounced that who described him to her, and he said to her: What do you know about that? She said: As for his strength, I did not see his treatment as he treated when watering at the well, and as for the trust, I did not see him turning a blind eye on me. And it was said that she said: As for his strength, I did not see him when he watered for us, I have never seen a man stronger in that watering than him, and as for his honesty, he looked when I came to him and diagnosed him, and when he knew that I was a woman, he directed his head and he did not raise it, and he did not look at me until I conveyed your message to him Then he said: Walk behind me and prepare the way for me, and he did that only while he was trustworthy, so he walked on the authority of her father and believed her and thought of him as she said.
In this story, the general foundations of the concepts of selection according to merit and appointment based on appropriate qualifications for work become clear to us. The term merit is known as Competency, which means the inherent characteristic of the individual that leads to effective or distinguished performance, as Moses, peace be upon him, was chosen based on his merit and special qualifications that fit the work, which is the shepherding of the sheep, so his qualifications were the physical strength that emerged while watering him at the well. And his honesty and lowering his gaze while talking to the girl and walking in front of her to avoid seeing her.
Second: The story of Joseph, peace be upon him, with the king:
The Almighty said: “And the king said, ‘Bring him to me, and I will extract him for myself.’ Then when he spoke to him, he said, ‘Today, you are standing firm and trustworthy with us.’” Yusuf / 54
Ibn Katheer, may God have mercy on him, says in his interpretation that God Almighty said news about the king when the innocence of Joseph, peace be upon him, was achieved, and the integrity of his honour, from what was attributed to him. What he is in terms of creation, character, and perfection. The king said to him, “Today, you are established and trustworthy with us,” meaning that you have remained with us of stature and trust. And in the interpretation of al-Tabari, empowered, that is, empowered with what you wanted to elevate your position and status with us, trustworthy in what was entrusted to him. Or empowered, that is, able to say, trustworthy, do not fear treachery, as stated in the interpretation of Al-Qurtubi.
The Almighty said: “He said, “Put me in charge of the treasures of the earth.”
If you’ve started a business but it’s not doing as well as it should, there can be an easy explanation for that. Your business may not be well known or you may not be able to contact your clients as well as you could. You may already know that up to 90% of new businesses will fail within their first year of trading. If you don’t want this to be you, take a look at the article below for some inspiration.
Weak Idea
Every business started with an idea, no matter how small or meaningless. If you can make money on it, it’s a good idea in theory, even pet rock made a fortune in the ’70s. However, if you are not confident about the idea you have, it may be time to go back to the drawing board. You must make sure that your product or service will help the general public not turn them away from it. If this happens you will not make any money and your business will falter.
Not Enough Funding
Another thing that can hurt your business is financing. Money problems may always be at the forefront of your mind. That’s right, as in the beginning, you may use your business financing for everything. This includes buildings, salaries, technology and equipment. If you run out
You will not be able to provide the service you have already promised to your clients. Make sure if you don’t have the money to hand over the full amount you need and then add more on top for emergencies.
Slacking Employees
If your employees aren’t up to standards and aren’t really interested in helping you succeed, it can really frustrate you. You need to get your staff and staff right from the start, ideally your business should have a very strong heart and want the best for you. You will know this when you meet them during interviews. You can help yourself find the right people by making sure your ad is powerful. You will need to include a person specification that shows what you are looking for. For example, how much experience they have, what qualifications they have, and what skills they need to have.
Bad Equipment
You don’t want to be the company that constantly apologizes to customers for slow systems. This can happen when you invest in cheap, old and outdated equipment for your business. You may think you are saving money but it will cost you in the long run. If you have slow running systems, you won’t get as many sales as you could. If you have specialty products that break down like a Mitsubishi, you’ll want to look at Mitsubishi parts so you don’t fall behind anyone else.
We hope this article helped you understand why your business is failing and the ways you can help and change it. We wish you all the best in creating a long-term business.