Quality relationship in infrastructure services

Development is what leads the process of providing infrastructure facilities, as the development of infrastructure is one of the main requirements for sustainable development, and the provision of high-quality infrastructure contributes to raising the health level of individuals, and everyone knows that health and production are two sides of the same coin, so a sick person cannot produce, in On the other hand, we find that a healthy and healthy person contributes to raising production, which leads to raising the national gross domestic product, which in turn leads to an increase in his share in the per capita output, and thus achieving sustainable development again. It is noticeable that this process proceeds in a circular form, and it is a continuity process.
The availability of a set of infrastructure services of the required quality in an area has a significant impact on improving the quality of life of the residents in that area and providing the necessary elements for a clean and healthy environment. This also has an impact on raising the level of quality of the built environment in general, and also contributes to achieving development. Walking towards progress and keeping pace with developed countries.
For example, we find that the population that suffers from major problems related to the economic and social aspect (lack of job opportunities / high crime rate) in England lives in areas where they suffer from a great deal of air pollution, lack of green areas and low-quality housing. In this regard, the decline in the quality of the built environment in other areas can be measured by the possible shortage of various types of services, such as drinking water, sanitation, electricity, communications, waste transportation, and others. Such problems have a negative impact on the health and livelihood of individuals, and contribute to exacerbating their various problems.
Quality Concept:
The concept of quality goes back to the Latin word Qualitas, which means the nature of a person or thing and the degree of solidity, and in the past it meant accuracy and perfection.
It is also defined as: “a set of characteristics and features of a product – a process – a service, which undertakes to fulfill specific requirements or needs, in short, it is the ability of the product to satisfy the needs of the consumer.”
Grospy defines it as “compliance with specifications, which is the responsibility of everyone, and the wishes of the customer are the basis of design.”
Johnson defines it as “the ability to fulfill the desires of the consumer in a manner that matches his expectations and achieves his complete satisfaction with the commodity or service that is provided to him.”
According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 edition 2000: “It is the ability of a group of essential characteristics to satisfy and fulfill the stated or implied requirements of a group of customers.”
Holon points out that quality is “ensuring that the customer’s needs are recognized before products or services are designed.”
“It is the compliance with the standards and the correct performance in a safe and acceptable manner from the community, and at an acceptable cost, so that it leads to an impact on the rate of disease cases and the rate of operations, disability and malnutrition” – as defined by Roemer and his colleagues -.
“It is the performance that satisfies or satisfies the stated and aspired needs of the individual, institution or society” – as defined by Robertson
Concept of health:
“It is defined in the human race by the extent of the physical, emotional and mental communication of a person, and his social ability in facing his environment” – according to the definition contained in a book by Naglaa Atef Khalil -.
“It is a state of relative balance for the functions of the body, which results from the adaptation of the body to the harmful factors it is exposed to in order to maintain its balance” – according to the definition of “Parkins” –
“It is a state of relative balance for the functions of the body, and this state of balance results from the body’s adaptation to the harmful factors that the body is exposed to, and the body’s adaptation is a positive process carried out by the body’s strength to maintain its balance” – according to Newman’s definition.
“It is the absence of apparent disease and the person’s freedom from incapacity” – according to the definition contained in a book by Abd al-Mohi Mahmoud Hassan Salih.
The World Health Organization developed a concept of health, specifying that health is: “a state of complete physical, mental, psychological and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and the control of pathogens.”
Health has levels that start at the top, which is the highest degree of health (ideal health), and then serious and complex diseases come at the bottom of the pyramid.
Development concept:
“A fundamentally material economic process that takes place at the level of economic and technological structures and the development of means of living.”
Developing and developing the economic base in urban areas.
Availability of infrastructure services in an area sufficiently and with high quality, which contributes to raising the value of the neighboring properties (white or developed lands), which leads to the development of real estate investment significantly.
Developing effective programs for treating used water and draining rainwater that can contribute to irrigation, increasing green areas, optimal utilization of natural resources, and reducing dependence on fresh water for agricultural irrigation in the long term.
Maintaining the cleanliness and quality of water bodies can contribute to the development of the recreational and tourism sector. “In the fifties of the early sixties of the last century, economic development was equated with economic growth and was defined by the sustainable increase of the per capita share of the total national income.” The social, economic and environmental importance of infrastructure services
Availability of utility services to the population from public networks has a positive impact on the health of individuals and contributes to raising it and reducing diseases.
Reducing pressure on the state’s general budget, for example, the high level of public health contributes to reducing financial allocations for this sector, and thus reducing the state’s public spending.
Reducing the volume of waste contributes to reducing its negative impact on the environment and its natural resources, especially the water resource.
Effective management of the water resource leads to an increase in the expected time period for its exploitation, that is, it contributes to its non-exhaustion, at least in a short period of time, and thus contributes to the optimal exploitation of the resources.
Infrastructure facilities are an important tributary to the economy, so every country must consider when providing them through a partnership between the public and private sectors
This is done according to a comprehensive strategy for long-term goals, such as diversifying national income sources, localizing technology and providing jobs for the local workforce. The relationship between the quality of infrastructure and development
The availability of high-quality elements of infrastructure facilities can be a catalyst for increasing economic activity, which leads to balanced development in areas characterized by a low level of development.
Finding a balance in development between the dominant major cities that account for development, and smaller cities is a long-term goal through which development strategies are followed that employ the process of providing infrastructure facilities for this purpose.
Perhaps it would be more useful to take advantage of infrastructure facilities as one of the factors directing development to achieve optimal utilization of resources, distribute development incentives and raise the standard of living, in addition to trying to resist the attractiveness of dominant cities.
Growth and Infrastructure Facilities:
Availability of infrastructure elements such as the supply of water and electricity networks necessary for development and urban development programs, and affect the size of this program, but it is not sufficient in itself for its occurrence.
Why can infrastructure facilities determine growth patterns?
Consumers follow the development and trends of development
– The cost of providing infrastructure facilities reduces developers’ desire for unserved white lands
Developers cannot significantly develop land without an adequate amount of water and sanitation services, and this determinant is more important in arid areas or with limited water resources.
The level of utilities service has an important impact on land uses in general, and in particular on the outskirts of urban areas.
The impact of the quality of infrastructure services on public health:
There are many diseases that occur due to the lack of sanitation and water services, which are among the infrastructure services, or because of their low quality, including:
Diseases related to the consumption of contaminated water, such as typhoid and cholera.
Diseases related to parasites associated with certain aquatic environments, such as Guinea worm disease
Diseases related to not having enough water for personal hygiene, such as “trachoma”
Other diseases associated with the water element, such as malaria.
In this regard, we can point out that:
UNICEF estimates that in each given time period, half of the world’s population suffers from health problems related to water and sanitation.
The aforementioned diseases related to water and sanitation cause between 3-7 million deaths each year.