Quality control

According to the quality control method, a greater degree of control is exercised on the production process/the service delivery process itself, which leads to a decrease in cases of non-conformity. The main difference between inspection and quality control is that in addition to monitoring the progress of the production process, quality control is concerned with identifying and addressing the reasons behind poor quality.
In other words, the main difference between inspection and quality control lies in the fact that the inspection takes place after the end of the production process, while the control is practiced before the start of production, and therefore it is considered a preventive method. Therefore, the most important characteristic of the evolution from inspection to quality control is the focus on identifying and removing the reasons behind the production of defective products and fluctuations in the level of quality, rather than determining the percentage of defective products.
The steps of quality control can be summarized as follows:
Determine the requirements for carrying out the process and its main elements
1. Diagnosis of the process
Get the workers involved
2. Develop standards and measures for output
Determine any additional factors affecting quality
3. Monitor adherence to specifications
This requires careful documentation of all stages of the process
4. Identify and eliminate the causes of quality problems
Keep the monitoring process running
5. Achieving quality control, which leads to the stability of the quality level and a decrease in fluctuation in it