Planning is the process of setting a goal

Planning is the process of setting a specific goal or goals, then developing the details of the steps and procedures to reach that. Planning means what steps we must take and how we should take them to reach the required goals.
what is the point
A goal is something you want to get
For example, living happily, succeeding in studies and life, changing for the better
Get married, build a house, get money
Create a company, attract clients and customers, increase profits
Fame and brand, access to the best level in life
To be the best in your field
Create a new project
Develop and improve the institution or company
All of these things we call goals
Its application requires planning that shows the steps, procedures, difficulties and costs
Planning is like a map that you will walk on, and it shows you the details and steps to reach the goal
Without it, you will be in a state of randomness and confusion, and thus failure
Types of goals
Objectives can be divided according to size
small, medium and large
Small goals require less time, capabilities and less effort
And the big one is more time, capabilities, and effort
According to the time period
Short, medium and long term
The most important step in setting goals is that they are applicable, clear, and measurable
And in sequential and daily steps that can be accessed
A goal cannot be achieved overnight
Goals need planning and continuous continuous work, even in small steps, provided they are organized, tidy and continuous
The long journey begins with a small step
And a small stone on a small stone gives us a mountain
When setting goals, you must specify the following
An approximate timeline for reaching the target
Time allotted to work in order to achieve goals
The costs and capabilities that you need in the process of achieving the goal
Difficulties and obstacles that may be encountered in the implementation process and how to overcome them if they occur
Data collection
Information and data are important when developing a plan to achieve the goal
After setting the goal, we start collecting information and data that we benefit from in setting up
Steps, procedures and sequence of achieving the goal
The information explains
What is the goal and what is needed from
Tools, tools and software
Competencies and specialists
costs and time
Other information we need
The evaluation process is a review of the plan developed and evaluated in terms of
The obvious details
The perfect steps
Possibility of application
Free from errors
Any amendments, improvements or changes to the plan shall be made
to get better
The evaluation also continues during the implementation of the steps and procedures
Where the evaluation includes performance evaluation while performing the tasks and procedures set in the plan
Results and what has been achieved during implementation are measured
Measuring the results shows us the percentage that we have reached on the way to reaching the goal
And how much is left for us to achieve and reach the top of the goal
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is about big and long term goals
It is important and needs everyone’s participation
And for follow-up and continuity in the implementation of the steps and improvement to reach the goal
Strategic planning is a large and integrated plan
And used when starting a big new project
It lasts long
As an industrial or service company or an educational or charitable institution
It includes the strategic plan of the project
The narrative and the message
Goals, values and motto
Before strategic planning, analysis and study is done
Gather information and everything related to the project
Then start developing the details of the strategic plan
In it, implementation procedures, budgets, costs, and control and follow-up processes are determined
Continuous evaluation, improvement and updating is done as a result of changing ideas, tools and methods
Because every day witnesses new developments and new methods
Thus, there is a need for evaluation, review, and adjustment in line with the existing situation