Manufacturing Automation
Manufacturing Automation – Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design

Metal cutting is one of the most used methods to produce the final shape of manufactured products. The technology used in metal cutting operations has advanced significantly in recent years, along with advances in materials, computers, and sensors. This book deals with the scientific principles of metal cutting and its practical application to solve the problems facing manufacturing. The subjects of mathematics and physics and computers and devices are discussed as integration tools in the analysis or design of machine tools and manufacturing processes. The book begins with the basics of metal cutting mechanics. The basic principles of vibration and experimental model analysis are applied to solve problems in the workshop. Special features include in-depth coverage of chatter vibrations, a problem faced daily by practicing manufacturing engineers. The basic topics of computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tool programming, design and automation, numerically controlled (NC) programming and computer aided design / computer aided manufacturing technology (CAD / CAM) are discussed. The text also covers the selection of drive actuators, feedback sensors, the modeling and control of feed drives, the design of real-time path generation and interpolation algorithms, and detailed CNC-guided error analysis. Each chapter includes examples taken from industry, design projects, and homework problems.