Introduction Operations Management

Operations Management is concerned with all operations that lead to the conversion of inputs into useful products or services for a consumer or user. Operations management includes the management of services such as restaurants, transportation companies, financial services, stores and hotels, and it also includes manufacturing management such as various factories.
Every organization carries out operations to produce a product or provide a service and these operations interact with other basic functions such as finance, marketing and human resources. Examples of operations:
manufacturing a car in a car factory, the educational process in a university, preparing and serving food in a restaurant. Operations include basic and auxiliary production operations, as they include purchasing, storage, internal transportation, manufacturing (conversion), transferring the finished product or providing service to the customer.
Operations management deals with several issues, namely
A- Determine the strategic objectives of operations such as quality, speed of meeting customer requests, low cost and flexibility
B- Designing the product or service so that it is acceptable to customers and so that the price is appropriate
C- Planning / planning the production / service system so that the strategic objectives of the operations are achieved, and this includes planning work sites with appropriate planning
D- Designing and organizing work so that losses in the production process are reduced in terms of time, effort, raw materials and resources
C- Choosing the appropriate technology
H- Quality management so that the required quality rates are reached and the product achieves quality from the customer’s point of view
G- Planning daily, monthly and annual productivity
d- Selection of the production site(s) taking into consideration transportation of raw materials and transportation of products
Y- Inventory management so that the required quantities of each item are determined, the time for evaluating this need, and the optimal quantity for one order so that the total cost is reduced.
T- Purchasing Department – Supply Chain Management This includes selecting and evaluating suppliers, long-term relationships with suppliers, determining what is manufactured internally and what is assigned to suppliers, and studying the method of supplying various materials.
G- Project management, including budget, schedule and resource management
O- Developing operations through continuous development or analyzing current operations and studying ways to redesign them
U- Manage waiting queues so that they are reduced to an acceptable level and waiting conditions are improved
Operations management uses many tools to analyze operations and make decisions, such as simulation, linear programming, decision science, operations research, quantitative and statistical analysis, and problem analysis.