Industrial engineering courses

According to the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), industrial engineering is that engineering that is concerned with the design, development, and construction of an integrated system consisting of people, materials, information, machines, and energy. It requires specialized knowledge and skill in mathematics, physics, social sciences and management all together, in addition to the basics and methods of engineering analysis and design in order to know, predict and find the results obtained from the system.
It is worth noting that although the word industrial, as it is known and commonly, is associated with industrial establishments, it applies to any institution and organization, so we can apply the principles, concepts and tools of industrial engineering in all sectors, whether they are production (factories) or services (consulting institutions, Hospitals, banks…etc).
Apply various tools and methods in industrial engineering in an effective and integrated manner to solve realistic problems to meet the needs of various sectors.
That graduates become leaders in their profession armed with professional and ethical responsibility.
Success in work, whether at home or abroad, and the constant pursuit of continuous learning.
Introduction to engineering design
Engineering design and engineering approaches to problem solving, process and product design, quality basics, participation in work teams, presentations and their skills, organizing and evaluating technical issues, preparing brief reports on required work, self-assessment and behaviors associated with organizational responsibility and time management.
Introduction to engineering design
Mathematics and computer modeling of processes and products Completion of quality fundamentals and participation in work teams, presentations and presentation skills Organizing and evaluating technical issues Preparing summary reports on required work Self-evaluation and behaviors associated with organizational responsibility and time management Projects: specific projects for groups of students grouped together according to the quality of their interests.
Engineering economics
Analysis of economic decisions in engineering institutions, including topics of time value, depreciation of machinery, investment in large projects, comparative analysis, effective interest rate, break-even analysis and cost/benefit estimation, substitution policy analysis.
Engineering Management
The role of the engineer in engineering institutions, management, supervision and planning, production, inventory control, project management, cost control, financial management, work study, material handling, introduction to facility planning and project management, CNC applications.
Operations Research (1)
Historical background, linear programming, formulation of engineering problems, general method, binary and sensitivity analysis, transmission and distribution issues, specialization issues, numerical programming, CNC applications.
Fundamentals of computer systems
Computer basics (electronic components and software), some basic concepts in computer design, memory, arithmetic control unit, the role of computers in automation and auxiliary processes in design and manufacturing.
Computer Applications in Industrial Engineering (1)
Programming using the C++ language with application in engineering problems.
Computer Applications in Industrial Engineering (2)
Development of information processing techniques in industrial engineering applications, classification and coding of properties and attributes, relative data structures and structured programming of databases in applications in production industries and services.
Probability and engineering statistics
Basic concepts in probability and their applications in solving engineering problems, distributions of random variables, empirical distributions, sampling methods, linear regression, correlation coefficient, hypothesis testing with a focus on engineering applications.
Engineering statistics
Basic concepts in statistics and their applications in engineering problems, engineering statistical distributions and random variables representing engineering traits and properties, estimating and testing hypotheses with a focus on the importance of models with uncertain variables and their impact on engineering designs.
Work study
Principles of work systems study, movement study (basics of movement economics and analysis, accurate movement maps, automated methods, calibration of movement methods), time study (study concept, work samples, factory work systems, time study, number of observations, learning curve, performance evaluation Grace periods during work, time calibration, time studies in advance, planning, scheduling and cost of time, labor cost, wage policy and incentives).
Human factors engineering
Principles of human anatomy and physiology, collection and presentation of human capacity and competency data information, workplace planning (workplace dimensions and needs, worker space and dashboards, planning principles), worker and machine systems (human-machine relationship, workplace and work environment, worker observation and perception of information and response to it, the capabilities of the worker and the machine, the social characteristics of work).
Industrial management
Principles of industrial management, administrative, economic and engineering work control, design of work and wage systems, energy management, computer applications, the role of the engineer in coordination and the field of services, computer applications.
Systems analysis and design
Methods for describing analysis and manipulation of complex systems, internal relations of open systems, graphic analysis, analysis using mathematical models, technical means of design, transport, service and transformation of systems, various evaluation methods, computer applications.
Cooperative Action Program
Cooperative practical training takes place in an entity in the engineering sector under the supervision of a faculty member. The student submits a report on his achievements during the training in addition to other requirements determined by the department. The training continues during a continuous period that includes a summer semester and a main semester.
Operations Research (2)
Dynamic programming, goal-oriented programming, non-linear programming, tapes (Contaker), (Petnon-Raphson method), top-down method, dynamic programming, queue models, CNC applications.
Decision analysis
Decision making under probabilities, analysis using decision trees, attitude towards risk, utility theory, the value of complete and incomplete information, probability estimation and utility estimation.
Network analysis
Introduction, Network Models, Critical Path, Project Evaluation and Review Method, Activities Compression and Economic Side, Critical Path Computer Program, Methods to Trade Off Increased Costs with Shorter Total Project Time, Statistical Methods Used in Project Evaluation and Review.
industrial information systems
The value of information and its characteristics, the different types of information systems with a focus on the analysis and design of industrial information systems, a project that includes the development of a computerized information system.
Industrial systems simulation
Introduction to industrial simulation, methods of building models and organizing research, methods of forming models using computer programs such as (Arena), using simulation to address some industrial problems in production and service systems for medium and long projects
term, CNC applications.
CNC systems
Review of traditional methods and machines and the definition of digital machines, automation centers, means of communication with the robot machine, the use of APT language in automatic control, flexible industrial systems (FMS) and computer integrated industrial systems (CIMS).
Information processing and operations
Organizing the information center and providing cadres, managing programs and systems development, preparing and evaluating project proposals, managing central and decentralized systems, selecting hardware and software, selecting cadres, standardizing specifications, documenting and preparing reports, planning and scheduling resources and maintenance.
Industrial quality control
Solving industrial problems, acceptance samples, control charts, quality relationship with design and production, provision of materials, computer applications in industrial quality, definition of (ISO 9000) standards, restructuring of administrative systems, total quality, computer applications.
Design of industrial experiments
Methods of statistical analysis of variance, methods of statistical design, two-level statistical design, imperfect statistical design, optimal testing of machines and materials, computer applications, the use of statistical analysis techniques to characterize results.
Reliability engineering
Measurement of reliability in static and dynamic models, reliability models, reliability estimation, optimal solutions for reliability, parallel, serial, redundant and redundant systems, substitution systems, failure trend analysis, applications in industry.
industrial probabilistic systems
Poisson processes, Markov chains, the theory of novelty, bottleneck processes, applications to transportation problems, queues, and service and maintenance systems.
Queue systems
Modeling, designing and analyzing queuing systems using the Poisson system and others, including definite and indefinite groups, group access and queuing networks, queuing, access method and service performance, queuing system, system stability equations, analytical methods and simulations, computer applications.
dynamic prediction
Simple regression methods, compound regression methods, time series analysis by exponential normalization methods and time series analysis by (Box-Jenkins) methods, accuracy and correctness in forecasts, forecasting function in planning and decision-making, comparison and selection of forecasting method, computer applications.
Industrial safety engineering
Industrial Safety Management (Safety Concept, Accident Cost, Evaluation of Production Efficiency and Factory Safety, Risk Assessment, Work Safety Analysis, Factory Safety Inspection, Accident Investigation), Safety Technologies (Industrial Risks and Their Control), Fire and Explosion Risk Control, Safe Handling materials, safe maintenance, industrial organization and arrangement, personal protection, first aid.
Industrial health engineering
Industrial health management, heat stress, noise pollution, optimal industrial lighting, ionizing and non-ionizing radioactive pollution, air pollutants (principles, types of pollutants, factors affecting pollution and environmental exposure, toxicity and danger of pollutants,
permissible exposure levels), environmental assessment, laboratory calibration, direct reading devices and their calibration, administrative, executive and engineering control of environmental factors, industrial ventilation (general ventilation, local vacuum ventilation: design, operation, calibration and maintenance of local vacuum systems, special ventilation systems).
Industrial environmental engineering
Basics of natural ecosystems, industrial environment, causes of environmental problems and the role of industry in environmental pollution, environmental control techniques (water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, hazardous liquid waste, hazardous solid waste), factory environment (heat exposure, noise pollution, radioactive pollution , Work environment air pollution, environmental control methods), case study of environmental pollution, control strategy and techniques.
Professional biomechanics
Introduction to Human Labor Dynamics, Kinesiology and Forces, Human Body Dimensions, Evaluation of Muscular and Physiological Effort, Instrumentation, Occupational Biomechanical Models, Methods for Classification and Evaluation of Manual Work, Limitations of Manual Material Handling, Mechanical Considerations in Machine Design, Workplace, Design of Manual Machines Guidelines and instructions for designing works that require prolonged or continuous sitting
Production planning and control
Planning and controlling production systems, production planning, planning routes and distribution, forecasting and controlling inventory, planning material requirements, CNC applications.
Maintenance and replacement policies
The importance of maintenance, types of maintenance, determining the times of maintenance operations, labor and requirements, planning and monitoring maintenance operations, cost control, replacement policies, computer applications.
Facilities planning
Facilities planning for the short and long term in industry and services, economic feasibility study, relationship between site and facilities, production and distribution center, machine level, factory planning, material handling, case study, CNC applications.
Engineering cost analysis
Cost analysis, production cost control, standard cost systems, evaluation of alternatives, product, project and system estimation, value engineering.
Material handling and packing
Material handling objectives, general concepts, material handling techniques, economics of material handling, packaging, container design.
Industrial engineering practice
In this course, the students of the Department of Industrial Engineering investigate the extent to which they benefit from scientific principles, information, scientific methods, and techniques that they have studied in the various industrial engineering courses in improving the level of performance and raising the efficiency of production and service units. Students gather a database of information about some institutions that are visited.Under the supervision of faculty members, with the aim of studying the use of industrial engineering methods in process planning and control
In the design of administrative systems, in the study and design of work, in quality control, in the financial departments and in personnel affairs, the students, after the visit, prepare and present a comprehensive report on the results of the visit and discuss the observations, conclusions and recommendations in a discussion with the responsible faculty members.