How to write a product description

Anyone surfing the web sees a product almost every day and reads its descriptions; Even if he doesn’t intend to buy anything, the web world and online business are built on products and services. Some product descriptions are disastrous, they have no useful content and provide vague information to the audience, and hundreds of unanswered questions remain in the mind of the reader; Now a question, do you think such a product is being sold with such content? But why is it important to produce product content? Because a person who wants to buy something first gets information about it, web users are lazy and usually scan the content while reading, but they collect all their intelligence while reading product descriptions.
They will probably read the text of that product many times because they will pay for it. On the other hand, these descriptions are an important part of the content sales and marketing funnel. All your content marketing efforts depend on this crucial step.
Types of product descriptions
You write two types of descriptions for each product on WooCommerce or other online sales platforms; An explanation that appears in the search results of Google or other search engines and is called the title and meta description (to improve rankings and increase CTR) and product description page (for more sales).
Both are important to rank, but writing just to rank in Google will destroy your sales and vice versa, you have to keep your moderation.
Product description page
the so-called product description; The same box that goes under products and the same thing people read and decide to buy your product or not, they are looking for two things; Product value and capabilities.
If your page’s user experience is good and your product is good, a great description will accurately describe your product’s capabilities and give value to your product. This is where customers click the buy button.
Each page contains 3 main elements; Headline, product description, publication points, and key points. If your page doesn’t have post points yet, it’s a good idea to add them. You don’t lose by adding it.
There are other things on this page too, images, calls to action, prices, tables, links to product categories and other elements that vary by product type and page type, but here we have nothing to do with these and we’ll talk about the main three.
Ensure that the content of your pages is not duplicated
If you are editing the product description, make sure the content of the page is not duplicated, choose a couple of sentences of text, put them in the tags and then search for them in Google.
Go to the address at the top of the page
Usually the title starts with the name of the product, for example: Fast Roller TX 1000 tyre, but this title should be written in such a way that everyone can identify your exact product, bicycle tire so you can add this as follows:
Fast Roller TX 1000 bicycle tire
If your products have different subcategories, you can add the following heading:
Presta Fast Roller TX 1000 bike tire
Roller TX 1000 Schrider bicycle tire
The title should be short but not too long, this number of words is very ideal, a title that is too long makes the audience run away, so clearly state only the type, name and model of the product.
Example: “If you are looking for a puncture resistant tire, with this tyre, a bicycle is comfortable for you.” This is your request, of course, it does not have a specific form, but it is very suitable for the introduction.
You can even combine a few requests: “If you want great handling while cycling and also want fewer punctures, the Festroller tire is the perfect choice.”
List the outstanding results of the product
Each product has a special feature or advantage that distinguishes it from others. Something valuable that distinguishes it from other similar products.
In the copyright world, this standout feature is called the USP. The USP or Unique Selling Proposition, or the special selling feature of each product, is what makes the product more special than the competitors. Don’t doubt that each product has a certain advantage, you just have to look and find.
Write the important virtual features of the product in simple language
Look for features mentioned in the product catalog. For example, this frame size is 150 TPI; That is, there are 150 knots per inch. This is an important factor that makes it very resistant to punctures.
Most of your competitors don’t mention these features, it’s easier for your audience to trust you when they hear from you.
Erase the incomprehensible phrases
These words are like the plague, as “Besides, in fact, it is really clear, that it is necessary to point out, and noteworthy, and that and a hundred other words and terms may be said.”
In a specific list answer frequently asked questions
Handouts contain immediate questions to ask everyone, the reader can access the initial information more easily and does not need to read all the text to know whether or not this product is exactly what they want.
Flyers are direct-acting bullets, a reader might be looking for a mountain bike tire. As soon as he sees the avenue tire, he knows this product is not doing him any good.
Answer frequently asked questions
Writing FAQs is very annoying, but if you feel there are questions about your product that you need answered, write them in handouts or product descriptions and answer them concisely.
If you have a separate section for frequently asked questions (such as Amazon or Walmart), enter questions there, you can find these questions from comments on different sites, users read these questions because they are interesting.
Product specifications and packaging schedule
Do you need a profile table? It depends on the product you want to sell, if you sell shoelaces, the specification table won’t help you at all, but if you sell ceiling parquet, you can pay attention to the dimensions, materials and connection type in the specification table.
But what about an SEO product?
Now that you’ve written all the product content, you need to move on to SEO, no
Forget these tips, make sure you use the right keywords, you’re selling a bike tire, not a flat tire guard, so focus on those keywords.
Include keywords in the product text The bike frame purchase and price should be in the text, so use the keywords in the first paragraph.
Use the most important things in this paragraph as well, this is usually the hardest part of the job, optimizing both your SEO and audience, don’t forget to link internally to other similar products, you can also link to the product category page.
You also need to work on the SERP snippet
The SERP snippet (or display page in search results) of the product description is where you sell the product, but first you need to be able to find a customer to sell it to.
Google and search engines are a good source for these customers. The search snippet determines how your page is shown in search engines.
It contains two very important ingredients; Usage, title, meta description, and, of course, there are usually other excerpts like date and result that come out of our search.
SEO title
You usually have a space to enter this address. SEO plugins like Yoast have a special place to enter this address. It’s best to start with the same address you wrote at the top of the page, like Presta’s Fast Roller TX 1000 bike tire.
Now use a keyword research tool like Moz, SEMRush, or the Google Keyword Planner to find the most searched features about bicycle tires.
SEO tools usually show you the standard length, if you don’t have an SEO plugin you can use the SERP review tool.
If it’s too long, delete features that aren’t very important.
The meta description is the text that is displayed under the SEO heading. You should know that this title does not have a direct impact on the page’s rank, but it does affect CTR or CTR.
For identification products, follow these instructions:
First, put the features that potential customers are looking for in the cover text, do you know why? Because whatever people are looking for and you have it in your profile, they go bold. This audacity is telling people that your product is exactly what they need.
Second: Writing the text in an ad template, a great advertisement for your product, this will make people click on it, like the text you see in Google PPC ads, write down the important features of your products, bring the important benefits of the product, and engage the user with the same few words to click.
If your product has a discount, write in the meta, everyone loves discounts, if you have free shipping, you can write in the meta. This text is usually short, you should write less than 200 characters and try to make the most of this small space.
Make sure to take writing seriously when writing your product description
When writing the product description, in addition to writing the content in line with your marketing objective, you must strictly avoid spelling or grammatical errors in the text of the content, your text must be flawless in all respects, and not observing these elements will raise questions about the professionalism of your work Even the customer will doubt the quality of your products.
When it comes to online sales, everything becomes delicate, even the smallest grammatical and spelling errors cause customer distrust, which means that the product loses sales, but the most important of these defects is that the product description does not match the product 100%.
Many online stores can be cited as an example where a large percentage of their sales are returned just because the written description does not match the product sold, based on the descriptions of these products, the customer expects that what he gets will have the same specifications as written.
Leading the customer towards the purchase
The last important thing in writing product descriptions, which is as important as anything else, is to use words like buy, order, and… and get the customer to buy the product.
So, if we want to sum up all the points mentioned, the written product description should be:
Include product details
Create a strong and intimate relationship with your text reader
Converting the customer from a regular visitor to a buyer
Concluding remarks
Product Descriptions Should Increase Your Website Traffic As mentioned earlier, a great product description is essential to the success of your product selling website and any e-commerce business in general.
Your product description should serve as a good guide for the customer and accompany him step by step to make sure that the purchase of this product is in his interest. The miracle in describing this product is that the customer makes a purchase without seeing or touching the product.
Use 6 Essential Questions with high-quality images and videos of your product for best results Writing accurate and reliable product descriptions not only increases your conversion rate of visitors to the customer but also leads to more inbound traffic to that product page.