How to make liquid soap

What is liquid soap:
It is a balance between an acidic substance and an alkaline substance, and this is the “basic base”
The acidic substance is the “sulfonic” and this substance has no alternative for about 20 years or more to the present time and it is the basis for the manufacture of liquid soap….
There are two types of sulfonics in the market.
The first type: gaseous sulfonic, which gives soap high transparency and high purity, but it does not give a decrease in soap………….
The second type: an ordinary sulfonic, which gives less transparency and purity, but it gives a decrease in the liquid soap material.
It is possible to mix the two types together. For example, if the amount of sulfonic acid is about 10 kg, then 5 kg of gas and 5 kg of normal should be placed to take advantage of the characteristics of the regular and gas sulfonic.
Alkaline substance, such as caustic soda or silicates
Caustic soda, and there are two types of it in the market, namely “flaking soda – liquid soda.”
It is preferable to use liquid soda in manufacturing because it is dissolved and costs less.
And when the sulfonic acid is equated with caustic soda, it gives soap transparency, higher purity, and reasonable viscosity………
Silicates “for warning, they say that it is a carcinogen for the skin. Despite this, the factories producing this substance are still wide open and produce tons daily and are used in the manufacture of soap.”
And silicates are used for the sulfonic equation to make a popular soap that is characterized by turgidity, but it is cloudy, opaque, or clear.
Some people resort to equating the sulfonics with the two together, i.e. soda and silicate, to benefit from the qualities of the two……………..
4: The equation between sulfonic acid and soda is done by means of “ph paper”
In an acidic medium, it has a “red” color.
In alkaline medium, it is black in color.
In the neutral medium, its color is “light green”, and this is the color that indicates the equation between the sulfonic acid and the caustic soda………..
Now that we have basically finished manufacturing liquid soap, what we are talking about now is the improvements for liquid soap…….
Liquid soap can be manufactured without adding any enhancers.
But the addition of these enhancers gives a higher quality and desirable description
There are many enhancers that are available in the market, such as:
1_ Texapon:
“N70” is a foaming agent that gives very high transparency and purity to liquid soap.
This substance is soaked in water for 12 hours to ensure its solubility, or it is quickly dissolved by table salt….
2_ Glycerin:
And it is placed to give softness to the hands, and it is placed about 7 kilos per ton
3_ Triethanolamine:
It is an alkaline substance in the medium that gives a strong luster to the liquid soap and helps to complete the interaction between the sulfonic acid and the caustic soda. 2 kilograms of it are placed per ton
4_ Tylos:
It is a substance that gives liquid soap some turgidity, as it is a thickening substance
5_ Polyacrylamide:
It is a white sugar-like substance that gives sweat to liquid soap
This material is used in the following way:
A barrel is brought and about 70 kilos of water is placed in it. 50 grams of poly is taken and sprayed on the surface of the water and left for 12 hours. Then it is stirred well, and the water is given a very high viscosity.
Then he takes it and puts it on the liquid soap until it gives you the desired transfer……
It helps to stabilize the foam in the liquid soap
1 kilo per ton
7_ Tri-Sodium Phosphate:
It works to prevent the soap from becoming cloudy as a result of the salts in the used water
1 kilo per ton
8_ color:
40 grams are placed per ton, or according to the degree of color that suits you
9_ Smell:
2 kilos per ton are placed, such as the smell of lemon or apple, or more according to desire
10_ Preservative:
It is to prevent the soap from rotting when stored for a long time
Put 2 kilos per ton.
To make tons of premium soap
Ingredients and method of manufacture……… as follows
1_ Ingredients:
:56: Sulfonic …………………… 70 kilos
:56: “liquid” caustic soda…………… placed until it reaches the break-even point
:56: Triethanolamine………………. 2 kilos
:56: Texapon…………… 55 kilos
:56: kimberlan………………. 500 gr
: 56: Glycerine……………………… 5 kilos
:56: Tri-Sodium Phosphate…………. 1 kilo
:56: Colour……………………… 40 grams
:56: Perfume…………………………. 2 or 3 kilos
:56: The preservative “Formalin”…………… 2 kilos
Manufacturing method:
1_ The manufacture takes place in a plastic or stainless steel tank, which is stainless and contains 2 spouts, one near the bottom and the other at a distance of 15 cm from the bottom. The purpose of this is that after manufacturing the liquid soap, it is left for 12 hours to precipitate any impurities present in it at the bottom……. ….. And when packing in containers, it is filled from the tap, which is 15 cm away from the bottom, to prevent any impurities from coming out during filling………..
As for what remains at the bottom, it is filtered first and then repackaged
2_ About 700 kilos of water should be placed in the tank
3_ Add 1 kilo of tri-sodium phosphate with stirring, in order to precipitate any salts present in the water………
4_ The amount of sulfonic acid is placed gradually with stirring in one direction to prevent the occurrence of many foams so as not to affect the neutralization process.
Because the many foams lead to the non-adjustment of the equation, because these foams retain part of the caustic soda inside them, and when the foam falls, the soda drops into the soap and the soap becomes alkaline after it was neutral.
Therefore, the equation is checked even before packaging.
5_ After the sulfonic acid has been dissolved well, the caustic soda is added slowly with continuous stirring
The temperature rise is noted
6 _ The ph degree is measured until it reaches a very little before the draw
7_ Complete the equation by adding 2 kilos of triethanolamine
8 _ The soap is left for the next day until it cools completely and until the interaction is complete
9_ The taksapon is melted externally by putting 55 kilos in a barrel and putting 10 kilos of table salt on them and stirring it well with salt with the addition of water about 70 kilos of water with good stirring and leaving it for 5 hours
10_ added theTxapone dissolved in soap with good and continuous stirring until complete mixing
11_ 500 grams of kimberlan is dissolved in a quantity of water and placed on liquid soap with good stirring.
12_ About 10 kilos of food salt is dissolved in the remaining amount of water and added gradually with good and continuous stirring ………….
It is possible to put the whole amount of salt and I need another salt, or I can use an amount of salt less than 10 kilos, depending on the viscosity I want
No one is afraid that too much salt can make soap …….. This will not happen, God willing
13_ After obtaining the required viscosity, the remaining materials of glycerin, color, perfume and preservative are placed