Harmony with the work team

No matter how brilliant you are at your job and no matter how talented, skilled or knowledgeable you are, the most important factor in determining your success and satisfaction in your work remains your ability to establish effective relationships with others.
tangled relationships
All jobs require interaction with others, we all have bosses and colleagues with whom we share places, resources and time, coordinate efforts with them, manage policies and contracts with them, and define rights, duties and covenants with them, but just your ingenuity and mastery of what you do is not enough if you are unable to work with others, and your capabilities Technical may lead you to a leadership position, but your retention of that job depends on your possession of the capabilities of personal communication, but promotions are not the only reason affecting your ability to work well with others, job satisfaction is another reason.
Friends and colleagues
Personal relationships at work are important for friendship and mutual support. Try to bring your memory back to the job you used to hold previously. You may remember some people with sincere love and nostalgia, and you may realize that you were forced to deal and coexist with others without love or affection. The truth is that there are two types of relationships that arise at work, personal relationships and professional relationships.
The professional relationship is the most important, as your main goal of the job is to accomplish work for your organization, and in order for personal and professional relationships to succeed together, you must be aware of the problems stemming from mixing work and personal relationships, because.
1- Inability to differentiate between what is personal and what is professional.
2- Not realizing that personal and professional relationships have different purposes.
3- Not realizing that personal and professional relationships require different methods of communication.
The professional relationship aims to accomplish the work only, even if you are destined to work with your father, brother or friend who pleases you. In professional relationships, you have to set aside your personal feelings about everyone. This relationship is formal, hierarchical, and upward. As for personal relations, it is assumed that there is equality between the two parties, and perhaps one of the most difficult situations is when one becomes the manager of someone who was previously a colleague of his, as it is impossible to continue personal relations after promotion, and the worthy manager realizes this fact and accepts it.
So how can you mix personal relationships with professional ones? It is difficult but not impossible. First, all parties involved must understand the difference between the two relationships. Then each party should learn how to communicate professionally and focus on getting the job done, not on the relationship itself
When relationships go wrong
Many companies assume that their employees know instinctively how to have good working relationships with their colleagues and that they know how to diagnose problems and resolve conflicts. It is true that most people deal well and properly, but this does not always happen. Heavy workloads and long hours lead to stress and frustration, prompting people to act in ways that are contrary to their nature, and there are many methods of conflict management. But the problem is not the conflict itself. Because having a certain amount of conflict is beneficial, as it allows team members to express conflicting opinions and ideas, and allows the group to benefit from its collective intelligence. As for the deep conflict and treacherous violence, it tears apart any team, and people often refer to the conflict for one of two reasons:
1- A defect in the personality of the other party, as it is “stupid, foolish, arrogant, arrogant, aggressive and selfish.” That is, the conflict is attributed to the disagreement between the personalities, and the defective personality is the personality of the other party. As for the speaker or the plaintiff (the claimant), he is perfect, humane, and 100 percent cooperative.
2- The second diagnosis is that the other person is (incompetent) and lacks intelligence, skills and training. Once again, the conflict is due to shortcomings on the other side.
Guidelines for group work
In order to change your style of work, you need to change your thinking first. You need to take the concept of teamwork to a new level. Do so by applying some simple and practical guidelines for teamwork in the workplace. The guidelines are essential for effective relationships, monitoring and remedying group failures.
In order to build a foundation or foundation for effective teamwork, start by agreeing on goals, roles, and procedures. Team members should ask themselves the following questions:
What are the goals we will achieve?
How will we coordinate our work among ourselves?
What role is each member of the team expected to play?
These guidelines help to identify sources of conflicts in work teams and thus avoid them in the future