Artificial intelligence AI examples

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science and engineering that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human-level intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, making decisions, and learning from experience.
AI systems are designed to learn from data and adapt to new situations, enabling them to perform complex tasks with increasing accuracy and efficiency over time. They are often powered by machine learning algorithms that allow them to recognize patterns and make predictions based on large datasets.
AI is used in a wide range of applications, from speech recognition and natural language processing to autonomous vehicles and medical diagnosis. As the technology continues to evolve, it is expected to have a significant impact on many industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation.
Examples of artificial intelligence (AI) in pop culture typically include a group of intelligent robots bent on overthrowing the human race or at least a fancy theme park. Sentient machines with artificial general intelligence do not yet exist and likely won’t exist any time soon so we’re safe…for now
Industry leaders still can’t agree on what the term “robot” embodies. Roboticists understand that robots are programmable machines that perform tasks, but no one can say precisely where this definition ends.
Today’s AI robots, or at least those machines considered as such, do not have natural general intelligence but are able to solve problems and “think” in a limited capacity.
From working on Tesla’s assembly lines to teaching Japanese students English, examples of artificial intelligence abound in robotics.
Industry: consumer electronics, software, hardware
Location: Bedford, Mass.
HOW AI IS USED: The makers of Roomba iRobot are back with a new, smarter robotic vacuum.
The Roomba 980 uses artificial intelligence to scan the size of a room, identify obstructions, and remember the most effective ways to clean. The self-deploying Roomba can determine how much to vacuum based on the size of the room and doesn’t need human assistance to clean the floors.
The company completed its first year as a fully consumer-focused business in 2017 and has generated $883.9 million in revenue and shipped more than 10 million Roombas since 2002.
Hansan robotics
Industry: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Location: Hong Kong
How you use AI: Hanson Robotics builds humanoid robots with artificial intelligence for both commercial and consumer markets.
Hanson’s Sophia (pictured above) is an incredibly advanced social learning robot. Through artificial intelligence, Sophia can communicate efficiently with natural language and use facial expressions to convey human-like emotions.
Sofia has become a media celebrity over the past few years and has appeared on numerous talk shows including a memorable appearance with the obviously bizarre Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. The robot has even accepted Saudi citizenship.
Hanson plans to introduce a full range of robots like Sophia that they believe will have “immediate applications as media characters in movies and television shows, entertainment kinesiology in museums and parks, and for university research and medical training applications.”
Industry: robotics, artificial intelligence, hardware
Location: London
How to use AI: Emotech is the creator of Olly which is a voice-controlled AI assistant similar to Amazon Alexa or Google Home but with one distinct difference – Olly has a sophisticated personality.
Olly’s personality comes from a combination of machine learning algorithms that teach the robot to gradually become more like its owner.
The AI-powered Emotech can understand a user’s facial expressions, voice inflections, and verbal patterns to proactively initiate conversations and provide relevant suggestions. The small robotic assistant on top of the table is also able to move and orient itself towards the user when deciding what to do next.
Olly’s capabilities go beyond anything existing voice assistants can do. For example if Olly sees you resting your head he might ask you if you had a long day and then suggest some of your favorite music to help you relax. See for yourself.
health care
Artificial intelligence has proven to be a game-changer in healthcare as it improves nearly every aspect of the industry from robot-assisted surgeries to protecting private records against cybercriminals.
Health care has long suffered from skyrocketing medical costs and inefficient operations. Artificial intelligence is giving the malignant industry a much-needed shake-up.
AI-powered virtual assistants reduce unnecessary visits to hospitals, giving nurses 20% of their time back in the process; Workflow assistants are helping doctors free up 17% of their schedules. Pharmaceutical companies are looking for life-saving drugs at a fraction of the time and cost of conventional and even AI is being used to help provide health care to developing nations.
Here are some examples of how AI can streamline processes and open up new and innovative avenues for the healthcare industry.
Cover health
Industry: Diagnostics
Location: New York, New York
How AI is used: Covera Health uses collaborative data sharing and applied clinical analysis to reduce the number of misdiagnosed patients worldwide. The company’s proprietary technology uses a framework that combines advanced data science and artificial intelligence to triage current diagnoses to provide practitioners with more accurate symptom data when making a decision that will have a significant impact on a patient’s life – reducing the cascade effects of misleading care and saving the healthcare industry hundreds of billions of dollars.
Industry: Custom Health Guidelines
Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
How AI is being used: OK It allows people to live better lives and quickly receive the medical guidance they need, allowing them to make more informed decisions about the care they receive.
Driven by a proprietary AI “health engine” that helps customize health guidelines for each user, Well guides people through the right health journey based on their pre-existing conditions, ongoing health concerns, and gaps in general health knowledge. Health Engine combines data a
to personal and external health to provide informed advice based on other user experiences while providing points that can be redeemed in stores for completing challenges, supporting communities, and helping users with everything from checkups and questionnaires through to prescription support, vaccination advice, recommended doctor visits, and case-specific guidance.
Industry: health diagnostics, machine learning
Location: Boston
How to use AI: PathAI creates AI-powered technology for pathologists.
The company’s machine learning algorithms help pathologists analyze tissue samples and make more accurate diagnoses. The goal is not only to improve the accuracy of diagnosis but also treatment. PathAI technology can also identify optimal participants for clinical trials.
PathAI has worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Philips to develop tools and plans to support high-volume prognostic testing for sustainable access to advanced diagnostic services.
Domain: healthcare, mobile applications
Location: New York City
How AI is used: The pager uses AI to help patients with minor aches and pains and illnesses.
The company deploys machine learning to analyze clinical data and claims to discover gaps in a patient’s healthcare treatment. In addition to making healthcare recommendations, this concierge-like service also helps patients schedule appointments and make payments.
Industry: machine learning and healthcare
Location: San Francisco
How it uses AI: Atomwise uses AI and deep learning to facilitate drug discovery.
Using technology based on convolutional neural networks, Atomwise algorithms can extract insights from millions of experimental affinity metrics and thousands of protein structures to predict the binding of small molecules to proteins.
The company’s AI improved infection rates by 10,000 times and included 10 to 20 million compounds per day with patient characteristics for clinical trials. With the ability to analyze billions of compounds and identify areas for drug discovery, technology is accelerating the work of chemists.
Atomwise is being used to tackle some of today’s most pressing medical issues including Ebola and multiple sclerosis.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Industry: Hospitals and medical research
Location: Boston
How to use AI: Massachusetts General Hospital, one of the oldest hospitals in the world, has partnered with computing company NVIDIA to implement AI-powered machines for disease detection, diagnosis, treatment, and management processes.
The software currently trains more than 10 billion medical images in radiology and pathology to facilitate faster testing and diagnosis.
The hospital recently completed a pilot system using artificial intelligence to rapidly screen patients for known pneumothorax