The study of the psychology of safety at work aims to change the unsafe behavior of individuals to a safe behavior (safe behaviour). It also helps in understanding the psychology of individuals in order to implement a good system of occupational safety and health in the facility.
When does the psychological method succeed in work safety?
The psychological method in work safety is based on the proper application of the laws of human behavior, and this method succeeds when safety is available in the conditions and equipment of the work environment, and in its practices. The three factors are reciprocal, each affecting the other.
What is the relationship between the behavior and behavior of individuals and the occurrence of accidents and injuries in the work environment?
Accident statistics indicate that more than 85% of the causes of accidents and work injuries are due to the unsafe behavior of individuals during work, and therefore if we were able to modify the behavior of individuals, we would certainly have overcome 85% of the causes of accidents and occupational injuries, and there is no doubt This reduction will have a great economic and humanitarian impact on the establishment and its employees.
How do we modify unsafe work behaviors and turn them into safe ones?
Modifying unsafe work behavior requires first identifying these behaviors, then adopting a tactic that eliminates unwanted behavior (the process of extinguishing unsafe behavior), and replacing it with behavior that is more compatible with the desired goals of the organization.
How can the unsafe work behavior of individuals be identified in the work environment?
Among the useful methods for identifying unsafe work behavior in the work environment are the following:
Observing the behavior of individuals at work.
– Examination of accidents and finding out the root causes.
– Conducting psychological tests and surveys to find out the workers’ attitudes
How do we establish safe behavior and remove unsafe behavior?
Unwanted behavior can be removed by holding individuals accountable for this behavior (sanctions list – inspection) and adhering to positive support for safe behavior. Safe behavior can be achieved through:
A good example of management – Immediate reward for safe responses – Providing information and interest in training and education – Adopting activities that support the safe method – Motivating workers and adopting proposals that confirm this direction
What is the scientific method for observing and controlling the insecure behavior of individuals?
Some companies call this method the objective behavior control system (BOS), which means studying a sample of human behavior during work (Safety Sampling), and in this system the following is done:
– Determine the items of actions that will be observed, in agreement with the observation team, then define the work sections, and train members of the team on how to observe and complete their data.
– The observer monitors the individuals, and with him is a person who helps in counting the safe behaviors, and he also takes with him the unsafe behaviors form to record what he observes of the unsafe behaviors of the individuals, and this person is called the counter.
– The observer monitors each worker well, and for a sufficient period of time, and repeats this several times at different times, so that each period does not exceed 15-20 minutes, for every five individuals.
Models are collected and discussed, and the percentage of unsafe behavior is calculated, and the results of different departments, different periods, etc. are compared.
Can you give examples of unsafe behavior of individuals in different work departments?
Among the unsafe behaviors that may be observed among workers are the following:
– Not wearing safety glasses, and improper use of tools
– Work on machines without barriers, and work near tripping hazards.
Improper use of compressed air, and racing with cranes.
– Improper use of artifact transport equipment, and wearing jogging work clothes.
Wearing gloves on the hands, not wearing safety shoes, and wearing a djellaba at work.
Wearing safety shoes improperly, and wearing a scarf around the neck.
Pregnancy in an unsafe manner, climbing on racks, and bringing pets
– Running in the streets, and smoking in prohibited places
– Eating in places not designated for that, and using welding equipment to prepare tea
Listening to the radio (with or without headphones).