
Safety in schools, universities and educational institutions

The sensory environment of the school includes the school construction site, buildings, halls, classrooms, gymnasiums, field workshops, scientific laboratories, furniture, equipment and school tools. The following summarizes a set of safety rules and procedures in general, which must be applied during the construction and use of educational facilities to ensure the availability of safety for its users and to preserve the facilities and the devices and equipment they contain from damage or loss. This is due to the multiplicity of risks that students may be exposed to in educational facilities, and these risks in educational facilities can be classified into:

1- Physical hazards

Which may result from the unsuitability of the environment in classrooms, laboratories, field workshops, or administrative buildings to the factors of lighting, ventilation, noise, and heat, as a result of not applying occupational safety and health procedures when establishing and equipping educational facilities.

2- Engineering risks

Risks of electrical connections and equipment: which includes risks arising from electrical connections, operation of machines, machines, and work tools in field workshops, computer laboratories, electrical rooms, electrical sub-boards, lighting poles…etc.
Structural risks: These are the risks that students and users of educational facilities may be exposed to as a result of non-application of occupational safety and health procedures during the school construction process, such as the lack of availability (exits – corridors – escape stairs – safety equipment – … etc.)

Mechanical hazards: as a result of students being exposed to the risks of machines and equipment in practical fields and laboratories as a result of the absence of occupational health and safety procedures.

3- Chemical hazards

It includes the dangers of chemicals such as liquids, gases, fumes, fumes and dust that students and workers in scientific laboratories face during practical experiments and in industrial workshops during the transportation, handling and storage of these materials.

4- Health risks

Diseases that may affect students in schools as a result of the presence of germs or microbes secreted by the environment around them due to the lack of appropriate sanitation facilities in terms of quantity and quality, which include water coolers, water tanks, toilets, the canteen, or as a result of the accumulation of waste in the school environment.

5- Fire risks

Fires may threaten the lives of students and users of educational facilities, and the loss and damage of property as a result of the absence of safety requirements when constructing educational facilities or not equipping them with alarm and fire-fighting devices and training teams within schools on how to act in cases of fire.

6- Personal risk (negative)

It is the damage that befalls students and users of educational facilities as a result of indifference to the application of occupational safety and health procedures or lack of awareness of them as a result of the absence of awareness programs.


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